关于达赖喇嘛来访美国 —给国会议员和州议员的公开信

作者:是非观  于 2017-6-13 23:55 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:dalailama, ucsd

Honorable members of congress and state legislators:

    As a group of peace-loving American citizens, we are looking forward to expounding some facts and viewpoints on Tibet as for the recent visit of Dalai Lama to America, hoping that can enable you to get acquainted with and gain some understanding about the real essence of Dalai Lama.

    First, under the domination of Dalai Lama, social condition of Tibet is more tyrannical than that of Europe in 15 century. Dalai himself also admitted that Tibet was once like medieval Europe that unified the state and the religion. It is a great leap that Tibet, once being the most undeveloped slave society, has become a part of modern society and the living standard of Tibetan has greatly improved under the leadership of the central government of China. The religion and culture of Tibet have also been protected and developed, and the cultural education of Tibet has always maintained the bilingual teaching of Tibetan and Mandarin. Buddhists and Tibetans' religious activities are all free as long as they are not under the guise of religion to carry out separatist activities.

    Second, Tibet has always been a part of China. The overwhelming majority of countries in the world today including America admit that Tibet is an integral part of China. The Dalai Lama from ancient China has to be identified and conferred by the central government of China. The carefully planned Lhasa "3·14" riot in 2008 has caused the death of many innocent people and vainly attempted to split Tibet from the landscape of China. The Chinese government never give up negotiating with Dalai, but the so-called "Middle Way" and "Grand Tibet Autonomy" proposed by Dalai that substantially seek the independence of 2.4 million square kilometers Tibet make the negotiate difficult to progress.

    Third, America acknowledges China's sovereignty over Tibet and Taiwan and pursues the one-China policy. Developing the relations of friendship and cooperation with China is not only America's long-term strategy but also in conformity with American people's interest.

    As peace-loving Chinese Americans, we hope that Dalai can place the interests of country and people first, comply with the willing of all Chinese people including Tibetan, and follow the trend of historical development; we hope that Dalai can cease the separatist activities with practical actions, stop the scheme and instigation of riots, and devote to the construction and development of Tibet; we eagerly hope that you can get acquainted with the actual situation in Tibet and our standpoints and viewpoints instead of being puzzled by Dalai Lama's superficial actions. We believe that you will understand our concerns after knowing these facts and will not meet with him or facilitate his violent and separatist activities.

    If you can understand and support us, we sincerely show our gratitude to you, the honorable members of congress and state legislators.


Representatives of Chinese Americans










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6 回复 天涯看客 2017-6-14 01:15
“美国华人代表”? 听起来像人大代表,没经过大家选举就把大家代表了。。。
7 回复 舌尖上的世界 2017-6-14 02:00

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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