Redbook 12/22 Godsociety (图)

作者:portpass  于 2025-1-9 08:17 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Third. Godsociety Manages Human Society 
The Godsociety creates and manages everything in the universe, creates people and the natural world on which people depend for survival, and leads Human Society. 
In the central organization of Godsociety, there is a Human Department, which is under the dual leadership of Internal Affairs Council and External Affairs Council . It is responsible for human affairs and has Soul Section, Destiny Section, Wealth and Poverty Section, Investigation Bureau, Health Committee, etc., to arrange and manage everything about people. Our words, deeds, and thoughts are all under the control of Human Department. 
For those who love Chairgod Mao, Human Department will let them have a good fate and live a happy and fulfilling life, and their requests will also receive special care. 
Human Department has a file for everyone. This file is not recorded by Gods or Godhumen, but by ourselves. What we think, do, and say, as soon as these activities occur, they are immediately recorded in our files and become the basis for Human Department to reward and punish us. Human Department will transfer the materials of people who meet the qualifications of Gods or Godhumen to Appointment and Removal Department, and Appointment and Removal Department will decide whether to allow them to enter Godsociety. 
Human Department also manages the souls of people who drift between Human Society and Godsociety, which is what we call ghosts. Most of these souls are the souls of victims in emergencies. Because the death came too suddenly, the relevant sections of Human Department had no time to deal with them, so these souls had to drift between Human Society and Godsociety and become ghosts. 
Souls drifting between Godsociety and Human Society have a difficult life, a bleak future, and a bitter expression, so most of the ghosts we see are hideous and in a hurry. 
Generally speaking, the thoughts and consciousness of ghosts are similar to those of people. Good people become good ghosts, and evil people become evil ghosts. However, with more suffering and loss of hope, good people can also become evil ghosts. This is why we don’t distinguish between good ghosts and evil ghosts, and we are afraid of ghosts when we see them. 
These drifting souls will eventually be arranged, some will enter Godsociety, and some will be eliminated.(颜宾)









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回复 浮平 2025-1-9 08:55
【For those who love Chairgod Mao, Human Department will let them have a good fate and live a happy and fulfilling life, and their requests will also receive special care. 】

Mao Zedong’s ideology of atheism evidently failed to influence his followers completely, as this statement ironically appeals to a divine 'Human Department' for blessings and favors."


facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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