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回复 举报 [ 66楼 游客 (70.120.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-14 11:18
To me, this guy is a hero. he just show the world that Asians are not weak, like some of those people here.
回复 举报 [ 65楼 游客 (70.120.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-14 11:11
They said the other couple who got off was also a young Asian couple.
回复 举报 [ 64楼 游客 (70.120.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-14 11:10
I just can't believe some people here criticize the guy who get beat up by the security guards. They over use force. Those security guards look like black and Hispanic, they are bullying this Vietnamese Doctor. There were other ways to solve the problem.but they chose brutality.
回复 举报 [ 63楼 游客 (70.120.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-14 11:05
this has nothing to do with overbooking. they want the seats for their own employees that's what gets people so upset. There were comments about why the employees don't book their own seats, they get free rides, and bumped the pay riders. Another thing is the gate should reserve seats for the employees before they broad everybody else, which they din not. It just shows how mess up the system is. you should not bump people when they are broad and seated. The agony of going through the check point, the gate, carrying all the luggage is too much, most people will not accept vouchers, which is too little for compensation. There were also comments on why they did not put their employees on another flight, or book them on other airlines out to the same destination. The bottom line is United is too cheap, they want to save money. and have no respect for the paying customers.
回复 举报 [ 62楼 游客 (24.114.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-14 00:59
47 楼 - 你這隻畜生之言行不配做華人, 下一世將會是 "到處被野狗操的流浪野母狗"      (對你已是太仁慈的上帝)
2 回复 举报 [ 61楼 游客 (98.151.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 17:15
4 回复 举报 [ 60楼 wangchenlue ] 发表于 2017-4-13 10:09
4 回复 举报 [ 59楼 wangchenlue ] 发表于 2017-4-13 10:06
12楼 游客(69.199.x.x): 一个越南难民,被美国救了,当上医生。生活水平高于90%美国公民。现在,美国人做错了事,原谅一下,也是可以的。毕竟当了医生,还有犯罪记录。
3 回复 举报 [ 58楼 wangchenlue ] 发表于 2017-4-13 10:02
36楼 游客(96.35.x.x): 电脑随机抽取,人人平等。那3个白人都下机了,唯有这越南华人自持特权,拒绝下机。美联航拖走他很合理。古时候帝制时代是要被砍头的。
1 回复 举报 [ 57楼 游客 (184.153.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 09:57
47 楼,你真是个懦夫!估计你就是被别人打了左脸又把右脸伸过去找打的人。世人若都像你我们还在奴隶制社会!
2 回复 举报 [ 56楼 游客 (67.249.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 09:46
1 回复 举报 [ 55楼 游客 (52.196.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 09:28
3 回复 举报 [ 54楼 游客 (98.248.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 08:51
2 回复 举报 [ 53楼 游客 (64.180.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 08:29
2 回复 举报 [ 52楼 游客 (104.32.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 08:00
在美国作为少数族裔,像那些亲美的说美国什么都好的人那样,低头做人,安心做狗,做奴隶,不就没事了么。 不是总有假洋鬼子像个畜生一样说中国人是奴隶么,从这件事情就能看出,平时你们这些一味造谣抹黑中国的假洋鬼子才是真奴隶,安心做下去吧。
4 回复 举报 [ 51楼 游客 (96.235.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 07:43
联航真是恶心至极。 坚决抵制。
2 回复 举报 [ 50楼 游客 (1.152.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 06:23
2 回复 举报 [ 49楼 游客 (24.105.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 06:16
3 回复 举报 [ 48楼 游客 (70.26.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 06:05
不是随机的吗?草他妈的,今后如果亚裔再坐他们的飞机就是贱。- agree
2 回复 举报 [ 47楼 游客 (184.97.x.x) ] 发表于 2017-4-13 06:04
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