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0 回复 举报 [ 14楼 游客 (135.0.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-6 00:27
4 回复 举报 [ 13楼 lanchang ] 发表于 2022-6-5 15:47
3楼 游客(75.168.x.x): 任何国家对思想都异己者都是限制,沒有对错。现在世间通畅,留走...
0 回复 举报 [ 12楼 游客 (104.14.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 12:39
8楼 游客(72.139.x.x): To #2. O.K.Dang was bad. But, he turned China into the World...
According to the historic records:  From 1976 to 1995 was the most Disaster, Turbulent, Tragic, Pe
1 回复 举报 [ 11楼 游客 (99.237.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 09:02
0 回复 举报 [ 10楼 游客 (72.141.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 08:44
3 回复 举报 [ 9楼 游客 (72.141.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 08:41
0 回复 举报 [ 8楼 游客 (72.139.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 08:08
To #2. O.K.Dang was bad. But, he turned China into the World's 2nd strongest country from a hopeless one. Can Fong-li-chee do it? China needs more bad people like him.   mak
0 回复 举报 [ 7楼 游客 (72.139.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 08:02
Don't they know it was a CIA plot to overthrow the Chinese government? It is o.k. to overthrow a government unless you have a better one in your hands. But, they didn't have any. It was troublemaking.
2 回复 举报 [ 6楼 游客 (122.104.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 07:58
3 回复 举报 [ 5楼 AJF ] 发表于 2022-6-5 05:37
0 回复 举报 [ 4楼 游客 (70.113.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 04:21
5 回复 举报 [ 3楼 游客 (75.168.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 04:05
0 回复 举报 [ 2楼 游客 (104.14.x.x) ] 发表于 2022-6-5 03:46
The "89 National Students' Revolution" or, "64 Beijing Massacre" was China's national-wide students protest and fight against Deng Xiaoping's Greedy Corrupters, Bloody Exploiters, Fraud Bribers, Natio

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