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RNSandi 2011-11-8 02:28
smartman: 占据华尔街的是一群强盗无赖!is an outspoken article that many of us see eye to eye with you.  i know it is controversial and arguable.  i'd love to de ...
I do believe the background of the occupying event is more complicated than I think, and also more complicated than anyone assumes. That is why I only express dearly about my ideas without any interference of political agenda. I don't have any agenda, I am not Republican nor Democrat. In today's America, politics are circuses which are a way to distract people, just like the Iphone and Ipad.

I am not afraid of speaking up which some people think is stupid, but who is not stupid? None of us has any complete picture of what is going on in America; none of us can bring up any idea how to fix the economy, not even those politicians!

I tend to stick to the foundation of the United States, the Constitution. And just because that everyone is doing evil does not make evil right.
翰山 2011-10-28 08:20
smartman: thanks for follow-up.  let me apologize in advance if i am outspoken and may offend you.  i don't intend to disappoint you but ...

frankly speaking,  ...
哦,这样啊。你怎么会 offend me 呢?   科学的那篇在这是应景的,原来是一篇政论文章的一部分。
翰山 2011-10-27 12:21
tangremax 2011-10-10 01:10
smartman: cheers!  buddies!  you are in NY city?
no.  in Long Island ,Nassau County.
smartman 2011-10-9 21:49
社論 世界新聞網 北美華文新聞、華商資訊
October 05, 2011 06:00 AM | 2361 次 | 1  | 4  |  |


tangremax 2011-10-8 21:04
smartman 2011-10-6 10:13
to  rememberingsteve@apple.com
subject  condolence to steve jobs

God envies Steve's talents and genius, and wants to live with and learn from Steve.  So, God brings Steve to the heaven so early.  Human beings suffer an immeasurable loss!
smartman 2011-8-24 04:25
NYC, DC shaken as a 5.8 quake hits Va.
Some New York City buildings swayed as a magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit Virginia, near Washington, D.C.
By Bloomberg News

Published: August 23, 2011 - 2:27 pm
(Bloomberg) - New York City and Washington buildings shook after an earthquake struck in Virginia.

The quake was also felt in areas including Boston, Connecticut, New Jersey and Toronto. The U.S. Pentagon was evacuated, Associated Press reported.

A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck at 1:51 p.m. local time about 41 miles (66 kilometers) northwest of Richmond, Virginia, the U.S. Geological Survey said on its website. The preliminary finding had the magnitude at 5.8.

Flights into New York’s John F. Kennedy International and New Jersey’s Newark Liberty airports were stopped after today’s earthquake, according to the Federal Aviation Administration website.

Spokesmen at FAA offices in Washington couldn’t be reached for comment, and spokesmen at regional offices in Atlanta and Fort Worth, Texas, didn’t immediately have any information on how air traffic was affected.
smartman 2011-8-24 03:55
DC earthquake (5.9 at VA) around 1:50pm, Tues 8/23/2011

All my co-workers and neighboring building wrokers evacuated onto the street and makes the street and lawn crowded.  Cell phone signals broke and has not recovered yet.  Will upload pictures into here after I could send pics from my cell via email.
smartman 2011-7-21 11:18
July 2011: Washington, DC
August 2011: Washington, DC and New York, NY
Sept 2011:  New York, NY and Washington, DC
Oct 2011: Denver, CO and Newport News (Williamsburg), VA
Nov 2011: San Diego, CA
Jan 2012: Destin, FL
April 2012: Orlando, FL
smartman 2011-7-15 13:54
thanks.  let us wait to discuss until after you finish your novel.
海攀 2011-7-15 10:36
smartman: look at this book reading club's latest event:
劉衛東 16日剖析中美關係
by 【本報訊】 世界新聞網 北美華文新聞、華商資訊
07.13.11 - 06:00 am ...
海攀 2011-7-15 10:34
smartman: well, it needs not be any public event.  it could be a small-scaled, private chat for your fans from this website. :-)
smartman 2011-7-12 01:26
07/11-07/15 in Washington, DC
07/18-07/22 in Indianapolis, IN

a frequent traveler nationwide, i will be in Indianapolis, IN next week (07/18/11-07/22/11).  if someone has interest for a meeting and could also spend some time to show me around the city, please feel free to leave a message or contact me.

it is too bad that Indiana is extremely hot next week.
最高111度 熱浪席捲15州
編譯中心綜合堪薩斯市11日電 世界新聞網 北美華文新聞、華商資訊
July 12, 2011 06:00 AM | 2898 次 | 0  | 3  |  |
smartman 2011-6-9 15:14
just read an misleading article (on NY RE market) but the author forbad posting comments there.  so, i transfered my comments below.

中国"海外炒房族"口述实录:成功率低 道路还长(图)
who is the author?  he pretends to be knowledgeable on NY real estate but he made many serious mistakes.

1. many of his claims on NY RE system are superficial or wrong!  i do not have time to correct his mistakes one by one.
2. ny rent-stablized system is under great pressure and is hard to maintain.  how come china wants to learn from a bad, to-be-disappear example?  it was not disappeared quickly because the politicians who got votes from average, poor people spent tax-payers' money on the system, same as the entire social welfare system in the nation.  in the long run, it is unsustainable and doomed to be abolished sooner or later.

remember a famous proverb: a little learning (Yi Zi Ban Jie) is a dangerous thing.
土笋冻 2011-6-2 00:43
点点星河 2011-5-28 00:10
smartman: just glanced over your pictures briefly.  i found

1. 白菜炒木耳,巨好吃!
2. 自己做的泡菜
3. 梅菜扣肉

these three are particularly dilicious!  my mo ...
Thanks a lot! I'm glad you like my cooking

Have a nice weekend!
nnzzll 2011-5-26 21:25
smartman: a nightmare!
nnzzll 2011-5-26 12:36
smartman: look at a report from china that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had confrontation.
深圳:婆婆与儿媳大吵后抱孙跳楼身亡 儿媳狠踹尸体(图)
http://n ...
smartman 2011-5-22 09:05
不一樣的畢業演講 (from worldjournal)


事情是這樣的:2008年9月12日(金融危機爆發前兩天),被視為美國當代最偉大作家的華勒斯 (David Foster Wallace)上吊自殺,死時只有46歲,他死後,被人翻出不少未出版過的作品,包括2005年5月在肯陽學院(Kenyon College)所作的畢業演講,講稿被翻印出來,並且大受注意,還被「華勒斯研究」當作為重要著作。(講稿已印成書,書名是「This is Water」。)

華勒斯的演講至少有兩個重要觀點。第一,也是華勒斯小說的主要出發點,即:生活是空虛的。講稿裡說,塞車、超市排隊、職場的背景流行樂、在我們日常生活中出現的沒有表情的虛假面孔、收銀機前用死亡聲調向你說「have a nice day」的店員…處處都存在這種空虛、無聊、挫敗的生活本質。


他說,美國人上大學,常說要學習思考(learn how to think),其實有很深的意義,真正的意義在於:這等於學習控制自己的意識,亦即控制自己去選擇想些什麼(what to think),以及控制自己去選擇如何想(how to think )。




Steve Jobs' 2005 Commencement Address:stay hungry, stay foolish
Address given by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, at the 114th Commencement on June 12, 2005.


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