格物便是致知 (已有 4,641,879 人访问过博主空间)



作者:格物便是致知  于 2011-10-29 18:44 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村











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1 回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-30 16:21
美国鲁汉: 好像是03年在广州看的星河湾的房子,1万元人民币/平米,小区布局合理,建筑和装潢质量很好,室内配备的用具均是名牌,用现在的眼光是物超所值。
去年在上海,看到 ...

1 回复 kissmyass 2011-10-30 16:25
Picard: If I were you I would book Chinese-run hotels. Otherwise how could you write a comparison report?

I stayed in Chinese-run hotels while travel ...
Chinese run 5 star hotels are just like Chinese build bullet-train. Looks fancy but the service sucks.  
I had just finished attending 2nd phase Canton fair and stayed in both Chinese run 5 star and a HK run 5 star hotel. the difference is obvious. I would rather pay 200 more to stay in the HK run hotel then the 5 star Chinese Run hotel. Here is my report if you like:1) The Chinese run hotel front desk staff treat me like air. There is no smiling, no hello, not even asking me for any demand I have ( I always trying to stay in non-smooking room), but as soon as there is a white face showed up, that staff's face turned to smile.  How do u feel if u r a Chinese?   2) the internet in my room is broken, they should check the wire connection but they did not. Until the time I asked them, they said they have wire problem and send a person to my room and stayed for half hour to work on the wall jacket/wire while I am in the room.  3) When I was trying to get a cab at the door, the doorman  recommended me a private service rather then a taxi. When I insisted, both the doorman and hotel entrance staff ignored my request, so I have to walk 50 yards to the street to stop a taxi myself. Per the taxi driver, none of the taxi driver would like to stop by waiting at the hotel door, because that Chinese run hotel staff ask them for "tips", all the private driver at the  hotel door pays the doorman for getting customer.
My conclusion, the hotel service has a long way to go to meet the international standard.
1 回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-30 16:26
Picard: If I were you I would book Chinese-run hotels. Otherwise how could you write a comparison report?

I stayed in Chinese-run hotels while travel ...
1 回复 wo? 2011-10-30 17:17
格物便是致知: 呵呵,我想一次装修不能一劳永逸吧,收费相对西方国家的五星酒店不算贵了

1 回复 hr8888hr 2011-10-30 20:14
格物便是致知: 现在回中国,有点象上世纪九十年代初到las vegas旅游的感觉,但现在看问题理性一点了
回复 JEFFSON 2011-10-30 20:57
1 回复 JEFFSON 2011-10-30 21:17
回复 或者 2011-10-30 23:34

1 回复 hog4oc 2011-10-31 00:03
hr8888hr: 运气轮流转,现在到大陆. 大陆就算是小城市的很多新酒店都比纽约最高级的如什么the plaza, waldoef astoria hotel  设备要豪华得多,服务要好得多.
It spells as "Waldorf" not "Waldoef" - my question to you is did you stay in any Waldorf Astoria hotel before, if you don't have a chance to stay outside China, go to Shanghai Waldorf Astoria, check it out and look around, and order some service from them, see how people treat you.

If you don't know how to enjoy good products and service and if you haven't tasted the best service, you don't know what's the "best" - just like most of Chinese are.
回复 hog4oc 2011-10-31 00:36
Hi "Picard"

I do travel a lot - if you look my profile under www.tripadvisor.com (BTW - it is a good information website for hotel info), I stayed quite a lots of Chinese run hotels before the western hotels start popping up in China. I don't like Chinese run hotel - 1. They spend most of budgets on useless things like entrance, lobby, nightclub ...like typical Chinese city projects. I found most of those hotels lack the details like room design, bed mattress quality, bed sheets and towels in bathroom...

To be honest I don't like those so call "free" breakfast, look at those people eating there, sucking food make big noise, talk loud, pile their dish full like there's no food tomorrow. I usually check in club level of hotels, i paid more and there are not many those rude Chinese there, so at least we can enjoy our "peace" time there.

As I said before if you have not experienced the good products and service, you don't know what is "best" there, and you pay for what you get.
1 回复 hog4oc 2011-10-31 00:40
Most American are polite and may not necessary to tell you the truth.

I'm on the other hand, very straight forward and open, I won't hold the truth.

go to www.tripadvisor.com and search my profile "hog4oc", you can see how I rate all the hotels I've stayed.
回复 qxw66 2011-10-31 00:48
格物便是致知: 又来高考?老了,考不起了
1 回复 sdwddnh 2011-10-31 01:50
格物便是致知: 喝雪碧,芬达就叫俗,喝什么才叫雅呢?
1 回复 hr8888hr 2011-10-31 03:51
hog4oc: It spells as "Waldorf" not "Waldoef" - my question to you is did you stay in any Waldorf Astoria hotel before, if you don' ...
yeah, it's typo, thank you!


至于你说的服务问题, 我不时到纽约的waldorf astoria hotel帮我的客人chekc in(out)及联系处理相关事宜, 那些doorman和staff在态度上我不觉得其有什么过人之处.我不知道有上海的店,但我去大陆,坐飞机,住酒店,吃饭,亚洲国家的服务水平比美国的要好得多.

顺便多说一句, 你的说话粗鲁无礼,我想这就是否你自己要求的服务?
1 回复 美国鲁汉 2011-10-31 10:39
格物便是致知: 其实广州星河湾小区整体不错,价格也合理,随着交通网络完善,升值是预料之中........

回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:13
kissmyass: Chinese run 5 star hotels are just like Chinese build bullet-train. Looks fancy but the service sucks.  
I had just finished attending 2nd phase Canto ...


1 回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:22
wo?: 从电脑上看,灯饰蛮好看的。我刚从手机上看的,不明显。

的确,价格上来说,比外国便宜,但是单就一次性装修,不说一劳永逸,也得管个10儿8年的吧?每天都有固定 ...

1 回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:23
hr8888hr: 这叫后发展优势
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:24
JEFFSON: 其实,帆船酒店也是不欧不阿拉伯,欧州酒店也常被批不法不英,不意大利也不丹麦------
等等没甚么了不起。让他们尽情表态,有些是忠肯的建议,有些是无聊的漫骂, ...
回复 格物便是致知 2011-10-31 18:27
或者: 这里的访客大部分心理不健康,只要是说国内好的,他们必然说不好,这叫做逢中必反。



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