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置顶 ·分享 [ 流水日记 ]:给各位读者朋友公开留言
2018-4-10 01:27
各位朋友:本人基督徒,保守主义者,共和党员。我的博客是我写书和交流,学习,分享不同故事和思想的小天地。来的都是客人。谢谢您的到来。大家来自五湖四海,可能因为宗教信仰,政治观点,生活方式等不同,造成冲突。我真诚学习与请教,所以您留下建设性的文字,我会非常感激尊敬您。我认为只要有健全人格,道德,良知的正 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 随想心曲欢唱|10 个评论
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:The most beautiful career in the world.
2020-10-16 08:41
The most beautiful career in the world.There are many great career in the world, liberation revolutionary events, entertainment businesses, etc. In my opinion the greatest career in the world is to be a good mother. A mother is indispensable for the upbri [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:我问了一个所有人都在问的问题
2020-10-15 05:25
这是教授布置的作业。我看到15满分的时候,我不相信自己的眼睛。我以为自己看错了。沟通之后,才发觉英文作业只要是观点明确,有点小的语法错误,教授也能给满分。这让我给主流媒体投稿的信心又增加了。谢谢教授。What about this one .Professor10月13日 14:22Your journal was very earnest. I appreciate and unde [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:I hope
2020-9-22 03:09
My full name is Esther, Please call me Esther. I am originally from China, My first language is Chinese. I currently live in LA.I am married and not have children. I have a small dogs named Dudu. My hobbies are reading, bible study, and writing. I not onl [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:不要谈梦想要谈信仰
2020-9-17 13:47
我没有任何时间可以浪费,我只渴望和跟随耶稣基督的人早夕相处,再多的事情要做也有时间。哪怕是吃喝玩乐每一分钟都是在帮助我生命的成长。今天美国姐妹问怎样让在家隔离的时间不至于浪费。我想其中之一就是明天开始和她电话一起学圣经。她可以从我学圣经,我可以从她提高英文。求神感动她的心。I don’t have any time to [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:好员工怎样让老板开心-课堂作业
2020-9-12 05:46
I think hard-working is a good behavior to make the boss happy.Usually, people always want to less work but good pay. If an employee works harder than others , The boss will be very happy.If I am an employee, I would be in the office on time each workday, [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:这是英文练习还是磨练个性?
2020-9-10 04:45
A. Put spaces in the right places!myalarmclockringsathalfpastsevenandigetupfiveminuteslaterfirstig otothebathroomwhereiwashmyselfandbrushmyteeththenigotothekitchent ohavebreakfastieattoastandjamandidrinkcoldmilkafterbr eakfastigetreadyforschoolileavemy [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:我大学的作业-----我是一个好学生
2020-8-30 07:41
社区大学的课程开始两个星期了。因为线上的操作我都熟悉,错过了作业。今天无论如何要完成第一篇两页纸的散文。主题是"你是谁“,也就是认识自己。内容要包括自己的优点和缺点。每个优点和缺点都需要用两三个故事来完成。英文的写作其实也帮助我中文的写作提高。但是两种思维之间的切换,让我反而什么都不想写了。胜过自我 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|2 个评论
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:一个越南移民女子的故事(1)英文写作连载
2020-8-25 05:15
今天教授回电。我的书写语法满分.这本书是一本图画书,我现在将此书改写成第一人称的小说。我的英文写作之路,难啊。I am in labor at Methodist Hospital on November 28,2005,The pain comes in twenty-foot waves and my husband ,Travis, steps in but Ma has disappeared in her place ."MA" ? In the cor [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:我给拜登的留言
2020-8-23 03:53
52 FollowersTweetsTweets repliesMediaLikesEsther’s Media 美国演义’s TweetsPinned TweetEsther’s Media 美国演义@gncusme·1mWell said! Thank you, But I want you to know that CCP teaches us to hate Americans since we are very little.if you try to nice to CCP and try [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:2020-08-08 我的英语日记-My American Dream
2020-8-8 09:50
各位网友:本人在学习英文写作。一定有许多的错误。如果您能纠正,我万分感激,尊为一字之师。如果不能纠正,请不要论断批评。我的生活与你无关。神祝福您喜乐.My American DreamTwo days ago. I and my husband had a wonderful meeting with senior pastors. I felt the Holy Spirit strongly was with us.The lady [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:2020-08-06 我的英语日记-He is and always!
2020-8-6 06:00
各位网友:本人在学习英文写作。一定有许多的错误。如果您能纠正,我万分感激,尊为一字之师。如果不能纠正,请不要论断批评。我的生活与你无关。神祝福您喜乐平安。在网络上找很久,想找一个华人写英文博客的网站。毕竟大家都在学习英文写作,错也没有关系,而可以互相纠正才是最重要的。全中国大陆只有一个还收费的。浪费 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|2 个评论
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:2020-01-05---My Best Friend
2020-1-5 05:34
各位:本人在学习英文写作。一定有许多的错误。如果您能纠正,我万分感激,尊为一字之师。如果不能纠正,请不要论断批评。我的生活与你无关。神祝福您喜乐平安。I have just received a letter from my best friend .Hong. Hong is not a writer or doctor.She is a costume designer .She has been in Paris for more than [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 流水日记 ]:如此深刻学英语,决不失败
2019-3-6 05:30
各位网友:本人在学习英文写作。一定有许多的错误。如果您能纠正,我万分感激,尊为一字之师。如果不能纠正,请不要论断批评。我的生活与你无关。神祝福您喜乐平安。所有的故事将截图到推特上,和所有英文世界的朋友分享。After I have read a lot of the stories about :How to learn English ".I have my own way .The be [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|2 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:我的英语日记---what do you do ?
2018-2-1 03:28
What do you do ?1,What do you do ? I am a teacher .你做什么工作的?我是老师。2,,What do you do forWhat do you do for sports?你做什么运动?3,What do you do with this cup 你用这个杯子来做什么? for drink4,What do you want on it? 你想再加点什么?Nothing thank you5,What [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:我的英语日记---my family
2018-1-26 09:52
我的英语学习日记(1)问候语:Nice to meet you. (I’m) Pleased to meet you. (I’m) Glad to meet/see you.Pleased 感到高兴的My family短语:1,during the day.2,During the month. He is busy during the month.During the day/mouth/year during the day=by day3, [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: English Diary|1 个评论

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