
作者:fighter8  于 2015-5-13 09:19 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:斯拉夫人, 苏联, 计划


最近俄罗斯大阅兵,有的中国人看热闹时了解到了俄罗斯在整个二战对德国作战中死了26百万人,约其当时10-12%的人口,就替俄罗斯人感到想不通了 牺牲那么大,为什么俄罗斯苏联当时不投降呢?投降了不就减少了牺牲,最大限度地保留了国家民族,就像人家法国那样,一早就投降了,不就没有牺牲什么,战后照样是个大国。




可是中国人唯一没有想到的是,世界之大,中国人根据自身经验了解到的其实只是一个极为有限的小部分,而大部分是中国人根本没有体验过甚至能够想象到过的。具体说来就是,中国人根本不知道自己是谁,想象不到对世界上的大多数人来说,就连敌人都不一样,所以在敌人眼里自己会跟敌人的其他敌人不一样。比如,同样是投降,法国人投降的结果就会完全不同于苏联人投降的结果,因为对纳粹第三帝国来说,法国人是敌对的自己人,投降了就饶其一命,而斯拉夫人却是不管投降与否都需要种族灭绝的敌人。因为纳粹在纳粹看来,法国人是犯错误的自己人,而斯拉夫人根本就是非我族类的untermensch, (subhuman,次等人类)


以下是第三帝国灭绝斯拉夫人的计划。根据此计划,在战后30年内要完成对斯拉夫各个民族的灭绝,灭绝形式包括驱赶,肉体灭绝,递解到西伯利亚,德国化。甚至连哪个斯拉夫民族该死多少,驱赶多少,德国化多少的百分比都以德国人特有的精细计算好了。其中,波兰为第一,80-85%要被灭绝,剩下的德国化。其次,俄罗斯人,计划很详尽,50–60% to be physically eliminated and another 15% to be sent to Western Siberia. 百分之5060 要被肉体消灭,然后百分之15被送到西伯利亚。剩下大约有25%,可能当印第安人了吧。注意这个计划不是战争时期就实施的,而是战后,渐进性逐步实施,10年到30年的远期规划。













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4 回复 fighter8 2015-5-13 09:25
Generalplan Ost (from Wiki)

The Generalplan Ost (Master Plan East, GPO) was a secret Nazi German plan for the colonization of Central and Eastern Europe.[1] Implementation would have necessitated genocide[2] and ethnic cleansing on a vast scale to be undertaken in territories occupied by Germany during World War II.[2]

The plan entailed the enslavement, expulsion, and/or extermination of most Slavic peoples in Europe, who the Nazis viewed as Untermensch and non-Aryan.[2][3] The programme operational guidelines, prepared in the years 1939–1942, were based on the policy of Lebensraum designed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement, as well as being a fulfillment of the Drang nach Osten (English: Drive towards the East) ideology of German expansion to the east. As such, it was intended to be a part of the New Order in Europe.[2]

The final version of Generalplan Ost, essentially a grand plan for ethnic cleansing, was divided into two parts; the "Small Plan" (Kleine Planung), which covered actions which were to be taken during the war, and the "Big Plan" (Grosse Planung), which covered actions to be undertaken after the war was won, and to be implemented gradually over a period of 25 to 30 years.[7][10]

Percentages of ethnic groups targeted for elimination by Nazi Germany from future settlement areas[11][12]

Ethnic group        Percentage subject to removal

50–60% to be physically eliminated and another 15% to be sent to Western Siberia.
65%        -        Latvians
Generalplan Ost envisaged differing percentages of the various conquered nations undergoing Germanization (for example, 50% of Czechs, 35% of Ukrainians and 25% of Belarusians), extermination, expulsion and other fates, the net effect of which would be to ensure that the conquered territories would be Germanized. In ten years' time, the plan effectively called for the extermination, expulsion, Germanization or enslavement of most or all East and West Slavs living behind the front lines in Europe. The "Small Plan" was to be put into practice as the Germans conquered the areas to the east of their pre-war borders. In this way the plan for Poland was drawn up at the end of November 1939 and is probably responsible for much of the World War II expulsion of Poles by Germany (first to colonial district of the General Government and, from 1942 also to Polenlager).[14] After the war, under the "Big Plan", Generalplan Ost foresaw the removal of 45 million non-Germanizable people from Central and Eastern Europe, of whom 31 million were "racially undesirable", 100% of Jews, Poles (85%), Belorussians (75%) and Ukrainians (65%), to West Siberia,[5] and about 14 millions were to remain, but were to be treated as slaves.[7] In their place, up to 8-10 million Germans would be settled in an extended "living space" (Lebensraum). Because the number of Germans appeared to be insufficient to populate the vast territories of Central and Eastern Europe, the peoples judged to lie racially between the Germans and the Russians (Mittelschicht), namely, Latvians and even Czechs, were also supposed to be resettled there.[15]

According to Nazi intentions, attempts at Germanization were to be undertaken only in the case of those foreign nationals in Central and Eastern Europe who could be considered a desirable element for the future Reich from the point of view of its racist theories. The Plan stipulated that there were to be different methods of treating particular nations and even particular groups within them. Attempts were even made to establish the basic criteria to be used in determining whether a given group lent itself to Germanization. These criteria were to be applied more liberally in the case of nations whose racial material (rassische Substanz) and level of cultural development made them more suitable than others for Germanization. The Plan considered that there were a large number of such elements among the Baltic nations. Dr. Wetzel felt that thought should be given to a possible Germanization of the whole of the Estonian nation and a sizable proportion of the Latvians. On the other hand, the Lithuanians seemed less desirable since they contained too great an admixture of Slav blood. Himmler's view was that "almost the whole of the Lithuanian nation would have to be deported to the East".[11]

Whatever happened, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were to be deprived of their statehood, while their territories were to be included in the eastern area of German settlement. This meant that Latvia and especially Lithuania would be covered by the deportation plans, though in a somewhat milder form than the Slav—"voluntary" emigration to western Siberia. While the Baltic nations like Estonians would be spared from repressions and physical liquidation that Jews or Poles were experiencing, in the long term the Nazi planners did not foresee their existence as independent entitites and they would be deported as well, with eventual denationalisation; initial designs were for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to be Germanized within 25 years, however Heinrich Himmler revised them to 20 years.[16]

In 1941 it was decided to destroy the Polish nation completely and the German leadership decided that in 10 to 20 years the Polish state under German occupation was to be fully cleared of any ethnic Poles and settled by German colonists.[17] A majority of them, now deprived of their leaders and most of their intelligentsia (through human losses, destruction of culture, the ban on education above the absolutely basic level, and kidnapping of children for Germanization), would have to be deported to regions in the East and scattered over as wide an area of Western Siberia as possible. According to the plan this would result in their assimilation by the local populations, which would cause the Poles to vanish as a nation.[15] By 1952, only about 3–4 million non-Germanized Poles (all of them peasants) were to be left residing in the former Poland. Those of them who would still not Germanize were to be forbidden to marry, the existing ban on any medical help to Poles in Germany would be extended, and eventually Poles would cease to exist. Experiments in mass sterilization in concentration camps may also have been intended for use on the populations.[18] The Wehrbauer, or soldier-peasants, would be settled in a fortified line to prevent civilization reanimating beyond the Ural Mountains and threatening Germany.[19] "Tough peasant races" would serve as a bulwark against attack.[20]
The seizure of food supplies in Ukraine brought about starvation, as it was intended to do to depopulate that region for German settlement.[21] Soldiers were told to steel their hearts against starving women and children, because every bit of food given to them was stolen from the German people, endangering their nourishment.[22]

Widely varying policies were envisioned by the creators of Generalplan Ost, and some of them were actually implemented by Germany in regards to the different Slavic territories and ethnic groups. For example, by August–September 1939 (Operation Tannenberg followed by the A-B Aktion in 1940), Einsatzgruppen death squads and concentration camps had been employed to deal with the Polish elite, while the small number of Czech intelligentsia were allowed to emigrate overseas. Parts of Poland were annexed by Germany early in the war (leaving aside the rump German-controlled General Government and the areas previously annexed by the Soviet Union), while the other territories were officially occupied by or allied to Germany (for example, the Slovak part of Czechoslovakia became a theoretically-independent puppet state, while the ethnic-Czech parts of the Czech lands (so excluding the Sudetenland) became a "protectorate"). It is unknown to what degree the plan was actually directly connected to the various German war crimes and crimes against humanity in the East, especially in the latter phases of the war.[citation needed] In any case, the majority of Germany's 12 million forced laborers were abducted from Eastern Europe, mostly in the Soviet territories and Poland (both Slavs and local Jews).

One of the charges listed in the indictment presented at the trial of Adolf Eichmann, the SS officer responsible for the transportation aspects of the Final Solution, was that he was responsible for the deportation of 500,000 Poles. Eichmann was convicted on all 15 counts.[23]

Civilian death toll in the Soviet Union

The Russian Academy of Sciences in 1995 reported civilian victims in the USSR at German hands totaled 13.7 million dead, 20% of the 68 million persons in the occupied USSR. This included 7.4 million victims of Nazi genocide and reprisals; 2.2 million deaths of persons deported to Germany for forced labor; and 4.1 million famine and disease deaths in occupied territory. There were an additional estimated 3.0 million famine deaths in areas of the USSR not under German occupation. These losses are for the entire territory of the USSR in 1946 to 1991 borders, including territories occupied in 1939–40.[24] The deaths of 8.2 million Soviet civilians were documented by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission.[25]
4 回复 fighter8 2015-5-13 09:57

4 回复 qxw66 2015-5-13 11:48
5 回复 fighter8 2015-5-13 12:50
qxw66: 日本人从一开始就想种族灭绝中国人!
3 回复 fighter8 2015-5-13 13:01
大阅兵普京讲话,专门说道是西方人“自以为种族高级的情节” "the idea of race supremacy " 导致了第二次世界大战,说现在必须警惕。俄罗斯总统都这么拿出来公开讲了,可见肯定是俄罗斯人的基本共识了?果然,俄罗斯今日上大谈第三次世界大战,请来专家大讲二战后种族隔离更厉害了,要导致三战。。。 再看下面评论,一般俄罗斯人更是一片鸡飞狗跳,在那里跟美国人辩论打嘴仗。我就是从他们那里看到这个纳粹计划的,的确是有点吓人。

他们还说起现在西方的 depopulation plan,要把世界人口减少90%,通过种族

3 回复 陈营 2015-5-14 21:48
3 回复 growingfox 2015-5-15 02:38
3 回复 南冰洋 2016-6-6 05:56
qxw66: 日本人从一开始就想种族灭绝中国人!
我赞成你的论点。 脖主有点儿一厢情愿。
2 回复 qxw66 2016-6-6 06:19
南冰洋: 我赞成你的论点。 脖主有点儿一厢情愿。
6 回复 emuch 2017-3-26 17:24
今天看了你好几个帖子,不是故意找的,都是推的。这个帖子暴露了博主真心很幼稚。日本人没想灭绝中国,跟纳粹不一样,呵呵,naive. 日本人和中国人外貌相似,文化趋同,这跟雅利安和斯拉夫是不一样的,所以他想的是奴化中国人,在东北推行奴化教育,按日本的语言和习惯奴化;不让中国人吃大米,这都是日本人搞出来的。他的算盘是把中国人改造成效忠天皇的奴仆,为什么非要肉体消灭呢,改造之后不是实力爆棚?这个你也能放在一块比较,真心太幼稚了。估计你是20多岁的年轻人。你总提到俄罗斯今日,俄罗斯新闻也不是那么自由的,而且会有对中国一直以来的负面宣传。别总拿它做论点了。
4 回复 borninheaven 2017-12-29 04:47
fighter8: 我相信,如果元首当年所处的世界跟现在一样,有大规模移民,有各种联网通讯方式缩小世界距离,等等这么多机会深入了解中国人亚洲人,还加上有地球承担人类能力的
4 回复 borninheaven 2017-12-29 05:01
fighter8: 大家都知道的历史事实是日本人当时要搞大东亚共荣圈共同对付西方。日本人就是跟美国成了盟友都还在想,2008年还跟韩国一起上门找中国要搞东亚共同体。被中国自己
日本人近代开始改口称他们不是亚洲人种,二战时和德国结盟,更要和科学的人种论接轨。可是这骨子里还是亚洲人,实用主义根深蒂固,对所谓的基因科学是选择性的相信,加上边上这中国太大,日本相对整个亚洲太小了点,所以就搞个大东亚共荣的玩意当作骗亚洲人扩张旗帜,如同中国当今一路一带,当然形式内容有别, 实用主义是一脉相承的。实用主义的扩张是没法持续的,至少有限的历史是这样。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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