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i0u 2012-12-12 21:22
jadepython: 呵呵。。请踩。。昨天早早睡了。

done shopping for X'mas gift? invite friend for X'mas lunch/dinner or write something for us to read~~~
i0u 2012-12-12 10:42
jadepython 2012-8-24 22:40

Thanks and please post this message to Rolia 谈天说地 and attention to 樱桃果果.

I will transfer USD$1700 to one of the following people today using Paypal and transfer the rest in 1 week (Paypal fund addition takes that long).

龙,狼,彪,香,牛,雪,刺 。

The fund will be release to the whatever pool you guys have created, provided:

There will be no reference or mentioning of Rolia.net or RCA (including their affiliates) in any written and oral  communication to any media or parties involved in this charity activity.

It is too small amount for me to enter into any forms of litigation if this predicate is violated, but I still have little hope in that you few characters will not be so brazen to reach a new low.

i0u 2012-8-22 06:38
jadepython: 龙龙童鞋。。知道你不认可我的方式。呵呵。其实我是实在看不惯那些辱我中华的人,天天口沫横飞地大叫人权民主。。却一点关心具体人的基本痛苦的哪怕一点点行动也 ...
JuneRipple 2012-8-19 07:46
you've been away for 11 days already?  
妞儿 2012-8-10 09:25
hotmoon 2012-8-10 00:19

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