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分享 [ 家庭新闻 ]:司氏姐妹Kindle版在Amazon出版
Wuwuyu 2013-5-16 10:59
非常感谢大家的支持和建议。女儿终于在今年被两个MFA(小说写作硕士班)录取。 已经辞职准备上学。她的连载小说司氏姐妹也在修改后在亚马孙自行出版。在这5天内,小说促销,免费下载!现在小说已排在Kindle版最佳畅销小说第8名。希望大家捧场支持!以下是link:http://www.amazon.com/The-Switch-Sisters-ebook [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹: 尾声
Wuwuyu 2012-12-30 22:50
尾声 这些年来,塔玛尼弄的那栋房子变得越来越不那么可怕,司氏姐妹们也长得越来越不那么神秘。最大的姐姐,玛拉,那长着一头黑色飘逸长发的美丽姑娘,嫁给了前市长的儿子,格雷厄姆,而我们的儿子们只能嫉妒地叹一口气,把注意力转向那对孪生姐妹,摩根和玛丽的身上。当然,奇怪的事件曾发生在婚礼期间——我们还记得当 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第23章:土气火水
Wuwuyu 2012-12-23 04:25
第23章 – 土气火水 “情况不对,”玛拉说道。 当姐妹们走近塔玛尼巷尾,司家住宅显得诡异的黑暗。通常法妈在家时总是灯火通明,虽然她们的房子从外面看起显得破旧不堪。 “你们看!”米娜说,指着屋顶。 “阁楼上有光”。 这是一种奇怪的光,不象蜡烛或灯泡一样是黄 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters:Chapter 22 – Under the Rubble
Wuwuyu 2012-12-16 04:34
Chapter 22 – Under the Rubble“How did you get that?” Morgan asked, staring at the silver key that Mina was now using to open the door of their cell.Mina whispered as she turned the key. “Well I’ve always had this feeling that sometimes, when I don’t want people to see me, they can [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第22章 - 废墟下
Wuwuyu 2012-12-16 04:28
第22章 - 废墟下 “你是怎么拿到它的?”摩根急切地问,盯着米娜正在用来打开牢房门的银钥匙。“ 米娜一边转动着钥匙,一边悄声说:“嗯,我一直有这么一种感觉,有时候,当我不希望人们看到我时,他们就不能看到我,”她说。 “最近我一直在努力试练,所以我可以让人们看不到我,像这样。” [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 21 - Witches
Wuwuyu 2012-12-3 00:41
Chapter 21– WitchesIn the house on Tamany Lane, a light was on in the attic. Fa Switch gripped the handle of the kitchen knife behind her back and stood tall, her shadow stretching towards the ceiling. The hooded figure rolled up the scroll slowly and set it on the table. Long pale fing [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第21章:巫婆
Wuwuyu 2012-12-3 00:36
第21章 - 女巫 塔玛尼弄的那间房子的阁楼上亮着灯光。法妈在身后抓着菜刀的手柄, 她的​​影子延伸到天花板上,站在那儿显得高高的。戴连衣帽的影子慢慢地把经书卷起,把它放在桌子上。其欣长而苍白的手指揭开连衣帽的顶部,让它垂落在肩膀上,从而露出一头金发。它抬起头。 “晚上好,亨特夫人 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 20 -- The Silver Key
Wuwuyu 2012-11-25 23:31
Chapter 20 – The Silver KeyMara grabbed the skirt of her dress and jumped up. Moving quickly to the bars of the cell, she didn’t look like the same woman who had been crumpled on the ground, barely able to lift her head.“Mina!” She whispered into the dark. The three older sisters froze, af [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第20章:银色钥匙
Wuwuyu 2012-11-25 23:27
第20章 - 银色钥匙 玛拉抓住她的衣裙蹦了起来。快速跑到牢房的栏杆处,她看起来不像同一个女人,瘫在地上,勉强能抬起她的头。 “米娜!”她在黑暗中低声喊道。三个姐姐呆呆地愣在那儿,不敢发出任何声音,从而淹没米娜可能的轻声回应。黑暗非常沉寂。 在她的身后,玛丽开始急速而 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 翻译小说|3 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 19 - Sisters
Wuwuyu 2012-11-11 05:27
Chapter 19 –Sisters The landing that Mayor Hunter had led Marie, Morgan and Mina to was darker than the tunnel they had left. The door shut slowly behind them. Mayor Hunter moved forward, shuffling with something in the dark. So where’s Mara?Morgan’s voice said in an irritat [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第19章:姐妹们
Wuwuyu 2012-11-11 05:24
第19章 - 姐妹们 亨特市长带领玛丽,摩根和米娜来到的登陆处比他们刚刚离开的隧道还暗。大门在他们身后慢慢地关闭。亨特市长向前走着,在黑暗中,他不断地在手中翻找着什么东西。 玛拉在哪里?摩根带着恼怒的声音在玛丽的心里说。 我不知道。也许我们还没到 。 但是,我们绝对在某个地方。 谢谢你,摩根。你 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 18 - The intruder
Wuwuyu 2012-11-4 06:02
Chapter 18: The intruder Meanwhile, Fa Switch had raced back to her house on Tamany Lane at top speed, pushing stragglers in the garden aside and running so fast that her feet almost looked as if they were not touching the ground. Evening pushed into night, streetlamps clicked on, an [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第18章:入侵者
Wuwuyu 2012-11-4 05:55
第18章:入侵者 此时,法妈正以最快的速度跑向塔玛尼弄的自家房子。在花园里还有三三两两的人群,法妈把挡在她路上的人一一推开,她跑得如此之快,几乎不能看到她的双脚触地。黄昏变成了黑夜,路灯亮了起来,好奇的乡亲们从自家窗户看到一个黑色的模糊影子飞行在街道上。冷风吹来,他们关上百叶窗,点亮蜡烛, [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 17-- Into The Dark
Wuwuyu 2012-10-15 05:10
Chapter 17 - Into the Dark The tunnel felt narrower than it was. The walls seemed to squeeze against the sisters’ shoulders. Morgan, Mina and Marie walked forward in a single file line–the passage was only wide enough to fit one of them at a time–following the dark shadow ahead. [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第17章 – 走进黑暗
Wuwuyu 2012-10-15 05:04
第17章 – 走进黑暗 地下隧道显得比实际更窄,两边的洞壁似乎挤压着姐妹们的肩膀。摩根,米娜和玛丽排成一列——通道的宽度只能容纳一个人通过——跟着前面的黑影向前走去。 玛丽向后伸出手来抓住米娜的手,她的手上渗出一个层薄薄的汗水。在门被关闭,她们发现自己被锁在房间里后,亨特市长的眼 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 翻译小说|4 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters, Chapter 16 – The Door that Closed
Wuwuyu 2012-10-6 23:19
Chapter 16 – The Door that Closed During the reception for Graham’s memorial service, Fa had fallen into a reverie in the corner of the garden. For the first time in many years, she let memories that she had pushed to the bottom of her heart bubble to the surface. She faded into the backgr [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹:第16章 - 关闭的门
Wuwuyu 2012-10-6 23:14
第16章 - 关闭的门 在格雷厄姆的悼念招待会上,法妈躲在花园一角陷入了回忆的白日梦里。多少年来,她第一次让她深埋在心底的记忆冒出表面。她消失在背景里,没有注意到在她眼前发生的事件。 这时侯,摩根,玛丽,和米娜也躲在花园的另一边角落里。她们正在悄悄地讨论亨特夫人最近态度的转变。起 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 15, Like Mother, Like Daughter
Wuwuyu 2012-9-29 23:12
Chapter 15: Like Mother, Like Daughter Fa retreated to a corner of the garden, sipping on a cup of hot water. After Ms. Hunter’s gesture of kindness in the condolences line, Fa thought it only right that the girls stay around for a bit, no matter how uncomfortably the looks from t [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第15章:有其母就有其女
Wuwuyu 2012-9-29 22:59
第15章:有其母就有其女 法妈躲到花园的一个角落里,慢慢地喝着一杯开水。在排队慰问时亨特太太表现出如此友善的姿态后,法妈认为应该让姑娘们在这儿多呆一会儿才对,尽管其他镇民们刺人的眼光有多么不舒服。她沉浸在自己的角落里,她的眼睛显得模糊,仿佛在看着远方。 在来到美国后,多年来她已 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters Chapter 14: The Mourning Mothers
Wuwuyu 2012-9-23 03:28
Chapter 14: The Mourning Mothers A hush swept over the already quiet crowd when the Switch family slipped into the pew at the front of the church that had been seemingly reserved for them. Breaths were held and sniffles were swallowed, hands stopped as they reached for the insides [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第14章: 哀悼的母亲
Wuwuyu 2012-9-23 03:22
第14章 – 哀悼的母亲 当司家姐妹溜进似乎为她们保留的教堂前排的座位时, 一阵沉默席卷了本来已经非常安静的人群。人们屏住呼吸,咽下已经打了一半的喷嚏,停下伸进钱包和口袋的手,闭住俯身靠到邻座耳朵耳语的嘴。空气变得异常紧张,直到约翰·亨特大步走向法妈,拥抱了她。法妈表情矜持,已经伸出准备与市长握手 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 13 -- Powers Trapped
Wuwuyu 2012-9-16 21:10
Chapter 13 – PowersTrappedMorgan and Marie stuck out their writing arms. Fa walked down the line of her daughters and carefully squeezed their outstretched arms through jade bracelets that she had removed from a bronze box in the attic. Morgan’s bracelet was a precious white jade, whil [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第13章:收回魔力
Wuwuyu 2012-9-16 21:05
第13章 – 收回魔力 摩根和玛丽伸出她们用来写字的手。法妈在排成一字的女儿们面前一一走过,在她们伸出的手上仔细地戴上了她从藏在阁楼上的青铜盒里拿出来的玉石手镯。摩根的手镯是珍贵的羊脂白玉,而玛丽的是翠绿色中透出一些涡状红色碎点。 孪生姐妹俩记得只戴过一次这些手镯。那是三,四年前 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 自我介绍 ]:为什么在贝壳村翻译司氏姐妹
Wuwuyu 2012-9-9 05:46
入住贝壳村60天,上贴了12章的司氏姐妹童话小说。很多人不知这是我的英文原创还是我的翻译。今天简单介绍一下。“The Switch Sisters” 是女儿正在写作的作品之一。虽然象大多数华人父母一样,我们希望女儿有一个靠谱的职业,但女儿喜欢文艺,并决意闯一番,作为父母,只能慢慢引导,并给予我们力所能及的帮助。因此当女儿 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 杂谈|5 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 12 -- John Hunter
Wuwuyu 2012-9-9 00:01
Chapter 12 – John Hunter As they got dressed, Morgan and Marie could hear the low rumbles of a man’s voice float up from the first floor. They had not heard the door open or close, and judging from the hollowed way the voice filled the room, they guessed that the mayor had n [ ...阅读全文 ]
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