New York's old piano tone renovation纽约老旧钢琴音色翻新...Many old pianos in New York are mostly moved home for free, including pianos that can be renovated. Over the years, I have seen and experienced many old piano tones and the possibility and opportunities of [ ...阅读全文 ]
...今天的维修项目是象牙琴键着实让我惊叹不已,因为现在使用象牙做琴键的琴是越来越少了,特别是60,70年代之后生产的琴都很少象牙琴键了。今天遇到的象牙琴键各项测试指标都非常吻合(The main giveaway of ivory keys is that they tend to have a line where the stem and the key top join running through the keys a [ ...阅读全文 ]
雅马哈 U3 调音和音色调整及润色效果很好(Tuner Voicing)Why does a piano need maintenance? Regular maintenance is essential if a piano is to continue to play and sound at its best. The mechanism has over 1000 moving parts, which are subject to wear and tear and therefore ne [ ...阅读全文 ]
施坦威钢琴的音色整理(Voicing)Voicing: Modifying a piano's hammers to achieve a better tone...Through the soft hardness of the wood and wool parts of the hammer head, the empirical database of the hammer head is established, so that the neurons at the fingertips are [ ...阅读全文 ]
钢琴调律左手还是右手—我采用交叉两手钢琴调音手法的体会: Should I tune the piano left-handed or right-my experience using the cross-handed piano tuning technique: ... “乐器之王”钢琴由近万个零部件组成,其设计之科学丶结构之复杂丶工艺之精密居所有乐器之首。因此,在进行钢琴调音时,调音师所采用的手法 [ ...阅读全文 ]
Baldwin piano pitch and tone adjustment(提升音高)... 美国家庭许多老款鲍德温的音准和音色调整是非常具有纪念意义的,为此,我非常愉快的接受邀请并完成了任务。 Baldwin piano pitch and tone adjustment ……After years of regular use, your piano may have fallen silent when the family member who studied m [ ...阅读全文 ]
ChenYN Piano Tuner 陈师傅调音—Old grand piano cleaning repair and tuning...Old grand piano cleaning repair and tuningIn general, regardless of the brand, old triangle pianos often have a long lifespan because of their good quality materials and ease of repair [ ...阅读全文 ]
...Regulation与Tuning的组合套餐Action Regulation Touchup--An excellent choice for pianos which need normal maitain and ajust the most important points throughout the piano's action to regain some lost performance- from the base of the key to the strings.Allows [ ...阅读全文 ]
Steinway Model B Inspection Tuning纽约调音师施坦威钢琴(B)调音调整纪实(一)当我得知十五岁来自上海的琴童让我倍感亲切,欣然前往位于纽约皇后区的Astoria,因为多年前我曾经到过这里,太熟悉有一条“施坦威”路了。然见面后男孩说希望调律A-442赫兹着实也让我感到一丝的惊讶……言语之中那股英俊少年的帅气 [ ...阅读全文 ]
...施坦威琴童弹奏肖邦夜曲Op.9 No.1测试调律11岁琴童弹奏肖邦的夜曲Op.9 No.1如此的流畅柔美、动作自如和娴熟,如此节奏自由的作品,特别是左手具有不间断的四边形效果,而右手的音符也好似图案一样自由移动......让我的心醉了.......Every time i listen to it it takes my breath away, literally. Chopin is a genius, [ ...阅读全文 ]