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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:ファイザーがコロナウイルスの変種を製造していることが暴露され、売国奴があわてて「
2023-2-5 13:45
辉瑞公司揭露它正在制造冠状病毒的变体,叛徒匆忙“反驳”2023-02-01 14:34:29主题:博客“辉瑞高管卧底视频”揭露美国多少邪恶秘密?这段视频引起了全世界的广泛关注,对美国辉瑞公司应该走的路产生了质疑,产生了巨大的影响。辉瑞的未来很可能会受到直接或间接的影响。该视频由一个英国“私人记者团体”发布 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:Desire burns the heart of the villain, and the lies hurt the old Guo liar's mout
2023-1-20 10:44
Lao Guo, who has a liar gene, came out non-stop to yell after paying homage to his father. What if he didn't yell? The G series that he bragged to the sky is already insolvent, entangled in lawsuits, and unable to heal itself. How can Lao Guo maintain a l [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:"Nothing to Expect" Creates "War Panic" Rumors "Fake re
2022-7-29 11:02
Where copper cannot be photographed, there are many right and wrong people. Since the US court convicted Guo Wengui of contempt of court, President of Xiguo University, Guo Wengui, has continued to use all kinds of flattery and deceit to try to deceive th [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:Finding America ' s anti-epidemic chaos from being jailed for ex-mayor misapprop
2022-7-19 15:57
Finding America ' s anti-epidemic chaos from being jailed for ex-mayor misapprop
The U.S. Department of Justice said on the 13th, the former mayor of Stonecrest, Georgia, Jensen Lally was sentenced to prison for embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars in COVID-19 relief funds. Authorities said,he was sentenced on Wednesday to four [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:从美国前市长挪用疫情救助金被判入狱看美国抗疫乱象
2022-7-19 15:55
美国司法部13日称,美国佐治亚州石峰市前市长詹森·拉里因挪用数十万美元新冠疫情救济金被判入狱。当局表示,他于周三被判处四年零九个月监禁,罪名是窃取旨在帮助他所在城市应对疫情的数十万美元联邦资金。检察官说,詹森·拉里用他拿走的钱来偿还他在湖畔住宅的抵押贷款和未偿还的税款。事实上,自新冠疫情全球爆发以来, [ ...阅读全文 ]
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