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京港台:2020-5-26 10:04| 来源:CGTN | 评论( 17 )  | 我来说几句



  【独家!#CGTN专访武汉病毒研究所研究员石正丽# 之一:2019年12月30号接到样本后,很短时间内,就确定其中有新型的冠状病毒的感染。2020年1月12号,便向世界卫生组织递交病毒的全基因组序列】这个病原和已有的、我们已知的病毒序列都不一样,所以当时把它命名为新型冠状病毒。在今年1月12号,我们也把其他序列上传到GISAID基因库,供全球政府、科学家用来做病原鉴定,以及疫苗和药物筛选使用。Shi Zhengli, a Chinese virologist based at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, said:

  "We obtained samples on the afternoon of December 30, 2019, and our team first carried out coronavirus studies on the samples, which were thought to be from a pneumonia of an unknown cause, since my laboratory has long been working on coronavirus research."

  "We performed high-throughput sequencing of the samples and the isolation of pathogens. In a very short time, we determined that there was a new type of coronavirus in these samples and obtained its whole genome sequence, which proved that this pathogen’s sequence was not the same as the existing virus sequences we already knew. So we named it a novel coronavirus."

  "Later, we, along with two other medical institutes in our country, submitted the whole genome sequence of the virus to the World Health Organization on January 12, 2020. At the same time, we also uploaded other sequences to a gene library called GISAID, which is used by governments and scientists around the world to identify pathogens to develop vaccines and screen drugs."


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