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长河明月的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/309106 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


股市不作脸,又跌1000点   总统昨天刚发话,“ 现在不是出售股票的好机会”,今天就给他一个大反应,跌!是谁出的馊主意让股市涨跌和总统业绩挂钩?结果挖了一个坑让他老人家跳下去了吧?总统一年来撤销了不少对大行的监管,那帮人得到好处应该为总统托市才对。一帮没用的废物!
  • 酸柚子: Trump now claims the stock market is rigged against him. Let's see; the election was rigged against him; the news is rigged against him; the FBI is rigged against him; and now the Stock Market is rigg (2-9 07:21)
  • 酸柚子: and now the Stock Market is rigged against him. Sounds like a pretty bad case of paranoia coupled with egomania! (2-9 07:22)
  • 长河明月: Poor “daddy”!      (2-9 07:53)
  • 看得开:    约翰·加尔布雷斯John Kenneth Galbraith曾经说过“There are two kinds of forecasters: those who don’t know, and those who don’t know they don’t know.” (2-9 12:50)
2018-2-9 05:51 回复|

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