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老叶子任飘零的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/347572 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


梁彼得被判不入监。。。 “Former New York Police Department officer Peter Liang won’t spend a day in prison. Liang, who was convicted in February of manslaughter and official misconduct in the shooting death of an unarmed black man in 2014, was sentenced Tuesday to five years of probation and community service after the judge in the case reduced his conviction。。。
  • 正义感: 那个期盼梁警官被判刑,侮辱这里华人起来为梁警官伸张正义的外国人无话可说了。我早就对他说了:这里是美国! (4-20 06:16)
  • light12: 你昨天预测对了,恭喜 (4-20 09:02)
  • 老叶子任飘零: 谢谢。不过不是昨天,是二月十六日 (4-20 09:05)
  • light12: (4-20 09:06)
2016-4-20 03:34 回复|

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