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shen fuen的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/91063 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] 随缘自在, 知足常乐


President Trump gave $1 million of his own money to charities helping the Houston area recover from Hurricane Harvey, splitting the gift among 12 nonprofits, the White House announced Wednesday. The Red Cross and the Salvation Army would get $300,000 each,.
  • shen_fuen: Trump"嘴炮"揍柚子, 两只希粉还有什么话说?   (9-7 05:55)
  • shen_fuen: 希粉的糊话白说了 (9-7 05:55)
  • 酸柚子: 你的黄鱼脑袋永远也不会明白,正是媒体和大众的督促,才让老贼忍痛出血把嘴炮落实到实处,使他谎捐的诡计没有得逞,老贼正肉疼了 (9-7 13:19)
  • 法道济: 这是捐了五年的工资 (9-7 12:30)
2017-9-7 05:49 回复|

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