音乐的盛宴~ New Year's Concert 2011 Vienna Philharmonic

作者:同往锡安  于 2011-12-31 08:53 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


一年一度的维也纳交响乐团新年演奏会又将到来。先来品尝一下去年新年的音乐会吧~经典熟悉的舞曲,一流的演奏,何等美好的享受~让欢乐的歌声与巴蕾舞,把我们带向新的一年~ 最后的Radetzky march,您听了后,还坐得住吗?那就起来跳一曲吧~


In view of the tradition of the New Year's Concerts, which began during the Second World War, the Vienna Philharmonic performs the concert even today not only as a presentation of Viennese musical culture at the highest level, but also to send the world a New Year's greeting in the spirit of hope, friendship and peace.

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