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At BackChina.com, we value the intellectual property rights of others and will not tolerate the publication of copyrighted materials belonging to third parties on the BackChina.com website and services (collectively referred to as "SITE"). BackChina.com encourages users to find and report contents that they believe to have violated copyright, trademark, any intellectual property rights, or other applicable intellectual property laws, or contain unwelcome text or images, including pornography, violence, racism, discrimination, or other objectionable contents, links, or quoted content. Upon finding those contents, please follow the procedures permitted by the "Digital Millennium Copyright Act" ("DMCA") to send BackChina.com a written notice of claimed copyright infringement (“NOTICE”) through postal mail or email, so that BackChina.com can easily remove the contents. After receiving a valid and complete DMCA notice, BackChina.com will delete or prohibit access to the allegedly infringing contents. If you do not comply with the above requirements, your DMCA notice may be invalid. If you believe that your contents were deleted by BackChina.com due to an incorrect DMCA notification (for example, the contents were deleted due to an error or incorrect logo), you can submit a DMCA counter-notice to BackChina.com, BackChina.com may restore your contents based on your request.

To expedite our ability to process your DMCA notification, please use the following format:

1. A statement indicating that you have identified contents on the SITE that infringe your copyright or that you have found materials that infringe the copyright of a third party that you represent;
2. Identify in full detail the materials that you claim to be infringed (or the subject of the infringement activities), or the materials that you propose to delete or ban;
3. Reasonably enough information for us to can find the materials, including at least (if applicable) the URL of the link displayed or a screenshot of the material on the SITE. If there is a batch of materials that you suggest to delete or ban, please mark each individual infringing material in detail.
4. Your name, address, phone number, and email address;
5. A statement indicating that you sincerely believe that the disputed materials were published without the authorization of the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
6. A statement indicating that the information in this NOTICE is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
7. An electronic or physical signature (possibly a scanned copy) of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed work.

Please note that before submitting a NOTICE to BackChina.com, you should carefully review the materials and statements you provide. If your statements contain serious false behaviors, you may be liable for damages and compensation (including costs and legal fees). Therefore, if you are not sure whether the material you provided in the NOTICE infringes your copyright, we recommend that you first contact a lawyer.

If you believe that the content you uploaded and deleted (or the content prohibited from access) is not infringing, or you are the owner of the copyright, and the published content was deleted by BackChina.com according to an improper DMCA notice, you can file a DMCA counter-notice to BackChina.com and request to recover your deleted content. You can send the counter-notice to the designated copyright agent of BackChina.com by postal mail or email. Please note that if you provide a counter-notice in accordance with DMCA requirements, a copy of your counter notification will be provided to the copyright owner. Please use the following format for the counter-notice:

1. A statement indicating the content that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the content appeared before it was removed or disabled;
2. A statement that you sincerely believe that the content was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or a misidentification of the content;
3. Your name, address, telephone number, and email address;
4. If the original claim of infringement was submitted under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act under 17 U.S.C. Section 512 (c) (“DMCA”), please also include a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal court in Houston, Texas, and a statement that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of the alleged infringement.
5. Your physical or electronic signature.

Notification of your copyright infringement or defense can be submitted either by postal mail or email.
By postal mail:
Copyright agent
Back China LLC
11200 Broadway Street Suite 2743
Pearland, TX 77584

By Email (with "DMCA complaint" in the subject line):


倍可亲博客与论坛社区内的资料提供者拥有在本网站所发布的相关资料的版权。未经当事人的明确书面许可,任何人不得复制或在非倍可亲网 所属的服务器上做镜像。


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