乔治 色柔古德 george thorogood:一杯波本,一杯苏格兰,一杯啤酒

作者:BANGZI  于 2016-6-20 11:52 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村





开天辟地头一回出门儿仨星期回来居然减了三磅!回来后乘胜追击又下四磅。今早做渔家卷花卷儿气定神闲,不像七磅前脸憋得跟紫猪肝儿似的。呵呵。。。 看样纸还是少点膘人比较舒服,可,可,可是这真的很难办到啊!





窗外听着一辆粉色卡迪拉克。车主是个刺青男带着他闺女,离了? 想起了那首歌pink cadillac。后面作为奖品附送,歌啊。。。

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
By George Thorogood, George Thorogood & The Destroyers



Pink Cadillac - Natalie Cole

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
By George Thorogood, George Thorogood & The Destroyers

One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
Hey mister bartender come here
I want another drink and I want it now

My baby she gone, she been gone two night
I ain't seen my baby since night before last
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

And then I sit there
Gettin' high
Knocked out
Feeling good
And by the time
I look on the wall
At the old clock on the wall
By that time
It was ten thirty daddy
I looked down the bar
At the bartender
He said
"Now what do you want Johnny?"

One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
Well my baby she gone, she been gone two night
I ain't seen my baby since night before last
I want to get drunk till I'm off of my mind
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

And I sat there
Gettin' high
Knocked out
And by the time
I looked on the wall
At the old clock again
And by that time
'T was a quarter to two
Last call
For alcohol
I said "Hey mister bartender!"
"Well what do you want?"

One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer ... (fade)

Songwriters: JOHN LEE HOOKER
© BMG RIGHTS MANAGEMENT US, LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
For non-commercial use only.
Data from: LyricFind

Pink Cadillac
By Bruce Springsteen

You may think I'm fooling
For the foolish things I do
You may wonder how come I love you
When you get on my nerves like you do
Well baby, you know you bug me
There ain't no secret about that
Well come on over here and hug me
And, baby, I'll spill the facts
Well, honey it ain't your money
'Cause baby I got plenty of that

I love you for your pink Cadillac
Crushed velvet seats
Riding in the back, oozing down the street
Waving to the girls
Peeling out of sight
Spending all my money on a Saturday night
Honey, I just wonder what you do there in back of your pink Cadillac
Pink Cadillac

Well now way back in the bible, temptations always come along
There's always somebody tempting you
Into doing something they know is wrong
Well they tempt you man with silver and they tempt you sir with gold
And they tempt you with the pleasures that the flesh does surely hold
They say eve tempted Adam with an apple
Man I ain't going for that

I know it was her pink Cadillac
Crushed velvet seats
Riding in the back, oozing down the street
Waving to the girls
Peeling out of sight
Spending all my money on a Saturday night
Honey, I just wonder what you do there in back of your pink Cadillac
Pink Cadillac, yeah

Now some folks say it's too big and uses too much gas
Some folks say that it's too old and that it goes too fast
But my love is bigger than a honda, it's bigger than a Subaru
Hey man there's only one thing and one car that will do
Anyway we don't have to drive it honey, we can park it out in back
And have a party in your

Pink Cadillac
Crushed velvet seats
Riding in the back, oozing down the street
Waving to the girls
Peeling out of sight
Spending all my money on a Saturday night
Honey, I just wonder what you do there in back of your pink Cadillac

You know the one I mean
Le Car

For non-commercial use only.
Data from: LyricFind









刚表态过的朋友 (7 人)

发表评论 评论 (5 个评论)

4 回复 南沙2 2016-6-20 15:08
3 回复 南沙2 2016-6-20 15:08
4 回复 BANGZI 2016-6-20 21:34
南沙2: 沙发
4 回复 秋收冬藏 2016-6-22 14:43
3 回复 BANGZI 2016-6-22 22:05
秋收冬藏: 那个皇冠是小公举送给老爹的吗?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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