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分享 [ 其它日志 ]:寻爱
2007-1-23 22:04
像夕阳下的孤雁, 它的眼睛分明里裹着不灭的期待,像雨林中的火鸟, 它的呼唤早已穿透了起伏的胸膛.梦幻中的你, 别只在梦幻中飘荡,浪花中的她, 别只在浪花中飞扬.让情, 牵动彼此心灵的潮汐涨落,让爱, 托起彼此心中不落的太阳.投入吧, 任它风狂雨骤.陶醉吧, 管它百苦千愁.纵情吧, 为它何惧风流.寻找吧, 那旷世不老情. [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:四海结友情
2007-1-23 22:01
The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps — we must step up the stairs. — Vance Havner Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn't stop the pain If I see you next to never How can we say forever W [ ...阅读全文 ]

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