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snortbsd的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/207787 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


家国何处不入梦 http://book.ifeng.com/lianzai/detail_2010_10/18/2815715_1.shtml
  • hr8888hr: 谢谢推荐, 看了, 感动! (6-28 09:25)
  • snortbsd: truly... (6-28 10:12)
  • snortbsd: i have quite a few friends from taiwan. due to the 60 some years separation, we do have some differences in terms of culture details. but most of us agree we are chinese... (6-29 00:19)
2011-6-28 03:37 回复|

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