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绿水潭 2008-10-1 08:34
BBC22: Honestly, I'm a bit concerned about coming to your space because I tend to surf the internet at night aand your delicious food is often proving too
Oh, gosh, I am overwhelming! Thank you!
Well, you just remind me of getting ready for the New Year eve feast. How exciting! However, since there are only three in the house, I might just fix a couple more dishes during the holidays…
It’s so nice meeting you online, and it’s great of sharing new ideas.
By the way, your baby is so cute.
BBC22 2008-9-13 04:39
Unfortunately, the above rambllings have become my virgin blog entry. What a shame. It's my own fault, of course because I wasn't patient enough to take a look at the Help manual. Having said that, I didn't mean to make a New Blog's resolution anyway. So no worry.  Nobody has missed a thing (i'm just telling meself).  

I often find it easier to make some comments on news or big events I've read on the internet instead of writing something about my life.  There are two reasons, I reckon, firstly, I'm a pretty boring person and few people will find anything interesting or inspiring from the accounts of my daily life.  Secondly, I'm still not quite used to laying bare my true emotions and feelings in front of an unknown audience.  After all, we've been warned that there are a lot of bad guys lurking somethere, ready to exploit our privacy or even attack us.

So in the light of the above two obvious reasons, making comments on public events is apparently a better and safer option. I must admit,it may be a better option for a lazybone too because we can easily dodge our commitment to putting our thoughts on paper without feeling guilty.  Honestly, it's the last bit that is driving me to open a blog, because it's a mini-blog and I won't lose any sleep over my failure to write a blog.

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