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十三大爷的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/260351 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


  • wd6364: 如此说来,还是怀念旧社会的好。黄世仁的妈 (10-8 23:53)
  • 十三大爷: 你怎么说来着:我一闹,黄世仁他妈就用针扎我。 (10-9 02:29)
  • wd6364: 所以要找大春啊,穷图个自在不是吗? (10-9 07:19)
2010-10-7 06:58 回复|
晚上一定要看“南方公园 South Park” New Episode 啊。
2010-10-7 03:12 回复|
Bill Maher: We should forget town halls, and replace them with study halls.
2010-10-5 20:23 回复|
Bill Maher: this country is like a college chick after two Long Island Iced Teas: we can be talked into anything, like wars, and we can be talked out of anything, like health care. We should forget t
2010-10-5 20:21 回复|
德国数学巨匠高斯的名言:It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, ... which grants the greatest enjoyment. When I have clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, in order to go
2010-10-4 05:37 回复|
Hey you guys, Cartman is studying together with Wendy Testaburger. Wendy's real boyfriend is actually Stan Marsh. The new season of South Park starts on Comedy Central the coming Wednesday.
2010-10-3 00:21 回复|
Go with Christ, brah
2010-10-1 06:12 回复|
Matt Stone: I am ethnically Jewish, but that's about all.
2010-9-29 08:00 回复|
Trey Parker: There's a big part of me that's Eric Cartman. He's both of our dark sides, the things we'd never say.
2010-9-27 12:30 回复|
Eric Cartman: (On Dolphins) Intelligent and friendly on rye bread with some mayonnaise; Dolphins, eskimos, who cares? It's all a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.
2010-9-25 17:24 回复|
要好好学习上进,做一个不三俗的人。但要是检一大便宜,就偷着乐吧,孩子。Eric Cartman: If you touch Kitty's ass, I'll put firecrackers in your nutsack and blow your balls all over your pants!
2010-9-20 03:58 回复|
要好好学习上进,做一个不三俗的人。但要是检一大便宜,就偷着乐吧,孩子。Eric Cartman: Hey! If you so much as touch Kitty's ass, I'll put firecrackers in your nutsack and blow your balls all over your p
2010-9-20 03:57 回复|
You shouldn't have sex before marriage as said by most religions and some purist gals in this village, and you can't jack off as dictated by some religion too. So what's left you to do, pissed off b
2010-9-13 03:21 回复|
  • wd6364: 开窑子缺砖说话啊 (8-14 11:36)
  • 十三大爷: 抱抱你,喜欢你 (8-14 20:57)
  • wd6364: 业务我就不搞了,和你一起培训督导 (8-15 02:26)
  • 十三大爷: that sounds a lot of technical support, something I exactly need right now (8-15 14:15)
  • 真水无香紫金媛: 大爷去看我最新的微博吧,有人说我写的三俗 (9-3 07:31)
  • 十三大爷: 现在村里的人越来越杂,我来的很少了 (9-3 12:55)
  • 真水无香紫金媛: 来也匆匆,去也匆匆呗 (9-3 14:30)
  • naturelover: 我看出来了,你很少出现~~ (9-7 09:46)
  • 十三大爷: Missing you and some that I call true friends though... (9-8 08:02)
  • naturelover: Thanks. Please come and visit me sometimes. Wish you the best as always~~ (9-8 08:05)
  • 十三大爷: I am Okay - kinda of busy over the summer and have to be in Europe again soon (9-9 08:34)
2010-8-14 00:13 回复|
Eric Cartman: My grandma's Dutch-Irish and my grandpa's lesbian, that makes me quarter lesbian!
2010-8-13 13:06 回复|
Eric Cartman: I was just hanging out in the SPC, kicking it with some homies on the West side... Kyle Broflovski: Cartman, you live on the EAST side!
2010-8-13 09:39 回复|
This hell of lame, I am hell of weak and hell of hungry. 你们知道这是谁最爱说的话吗?
2010-8-13 00:33 回复|
  • goodoctor: 我六俗! (8-12 00:14)
  • 十三大爷: 低俗,庸俗,媚俗,你跟大爷说说:你剩下的三俗是哪三俗啊?您可是family man啊! (8-12 01:34)
  • goodoctor: 我敬佩他的不走上层,个人奋斗的精神,这点好过中国大部分的文人和艺人。我是三 俗 X 2. (8-12 14:31)
  • 十三大爷: nobody is above the law. This is something that the Chinese celebraties don't quite understand. Or you have to argue hard that oral sex is not quite sex... (8-12 21:27)
  • naturelover: 郭德刚是我们天津人,相声说得挺好的吗,但愿不是遭人暗算~~ (8-12 08:33)
  • 十三大爷: 他最近太张狂遭人恨,而且他的博客在法律上漏洞百出,在美国早被告了。现在的问题是看中央怎么办他 (8-12 10:44)
2010-8-11 23:43 回复|
南方公园 South Park's Eric Cartman: I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried something, I'd be like, HEY! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!
2010-8-10 22:11 回复|
Have a good weekend, everyone
2010-7-25 09:51 回复|

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