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十三大爷的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/260351 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


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宜修 2009-5-9 11:25
I look great? Don't be fooled! Would you like to reconsider your request???
Thanks for your invitation, anyway!
追求永生 2009-4-21 13:12
redbud 2009-4-16 23:48
你十三大爷: How did you know that I was gone?  thanks anyway
You wasn't here in Backchina for so long. I suppose that you were gone
redbud 2009-4-15 15:41
小咸菜 2009-3-1 13:55
你十三大爷: 我不常在这,好象还没有发现。
小咸菜 2009-3-1 12:51
你十三大爷: 您指的什么界面?
小咸菜 2009-3-1 00:37
redbud 2009-2-28 07:25
你十三大爷: No, I have been on the edge for a long time though.
oh, pray for you. May you meet Jesus and His love. That's the most beautiful love in this world and nothing compares to Him.
redbud 2009-2-28 07:21
你十三大爷: How long have you been a Christian?
nearly five years. Are you a Christian?
redbud 2009-2-28 07:00
你十三大爷: I guess at the end of day we all should give us to God.
We should give us to Him now so that our life may be meaningful.
紫金花 2009-2-24 14:12
You weren't too bad looking either
十三大爷 2009-2-24 13:44
redbud 2009-2-21 20:45
你十三大爷: Hey redbud, which are your favorite quotes from the Bible?
There are many. One of them maybe Jerimiah 31:3  I have loved you with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn you.
十三大爷 2009-2-21 08:39
it's a local Bristish way to say sob
marnifan 2009-2-21 07:48
你十三大爷: 不知道哪儿冒出个混不讲理。 看了有点生气,所以动了粗口。好象没用the 4 letter f word.
别生气了, 咱cei了他.
什么是sonbo? i thought it's s.o.b.
十三大爷 2009-2-18 10:24
Almost there.  You have a son and he is old enough to go to Brown?  I felt let down and you probably know why.  are you serious...
十三大爷 2009-2-17 15:43
Yeh.  From that I may be able to work out the home ones.   别往歪里想。 I'll probably step in your shop tomorrow to get a necklace or something.
十三大爷 2009-2-16 12:59
小女果然中英文俱佳,可谓文武双全。 我很喜欢在这里读写中文。 大爷是说的多了点。
RNSandi 2009-2-15 17:55
你十三大爷: Hey how you doing?
hi, I'm good. Thanks.
冷冷 2009-2-4 07:09
你十三大爷: 告诉我你有多冷.  Take care.
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