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pekingman60的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/260463 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


I've got a bad news for you folks!A woman in Hangchou was died of the swine flu.Well, sort of.She was hospitalized for treatment and then got electrified while taking a bath there.Poor woman.
  • marnifan: are you kidding? (7-5 21:49)
  • pekingman60: http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/simp/hi/newsid_8130000/newsid_8131900/8131932.stm (7-5 23:08)
  • marnifan: (7-6 00:33)
2009-7-5 19:34 回复|
It's raining,on and off.I remember a rhym for little kids:rain,rain,go away,come again another day,little (a name) wants to play.It's got a song for this rhym. I'm singing it right now.rain,rain,go
2009-7-2 19:56 回复|
2009-6-30 20:12 回复|
老师问20个学生:你们得过鸟流感吗?举手!没有。得过猪流感吗?也没有。牛流感?2个。猴流感?2个。猫流感?4个。狗流感?5个。苍蝇流感?哇,13个!蚯蚓流感?什么?全部?20个?!Holy -----!祝贺你们还活着![e
2009-6-28 18:55 回复|
  • marnifan: 人家是潜水,你是钻泥。泥鳅本来也很FISHY的吧 (6-26 02:50)
  • pekingman60: 我比他们潜得都深! (6-28 19:19)
2009-6-25 21:07 回复|
哎,说了半天我自己了,也该说说你了。你觉得我写的那篇文章怎么样?[m:3:] 俺是一只泥鳅,俺也出来冒个泡。
2009-6-23 00:22 回复|
2009-6-21 21:25 回复|
why all dinosaurs were dead almost at the same time long ago?They were killed by the piggie flu!Now the piggie flu viruses start attacking us!Luckily we know how to take medicines.But not poor dinos!
  • 618o382: 谁敢肯定恐龙不是死于艾滋病呢? (6-20 02:50)
  • pekingman60: 这个不太可能。因为爱滋仅限于一小部分人(或动物) (6-20 03:07)
  • 618o382: 此艾滋,非彼艾滋。都进化了。 (6-20 03:17)
  • pekingman60: 那是一个什么样的艾滋呀? (6-20 03:24)
  • 618o382: 那个艾滋叫“不可滋” (6-20 03:26)
  • 618o382: 不可活,不可知 (6-20 03:28)
  • 618o382: 就是谁也不知道的意思! (6-20 03:35)
  • pekingman60: 有道理。 (6-20 03:38)
  • 618o382: 据说,恐龙最后进化成鸟类了。所以你看我养的那只老母鸡,过去可厉害着呢,是霸王龙! (6-20 03:38)
2009-6-20 02:47 回复|
  • pcw: 德州人说:早上喊一声,回声到晚上才回来,你看俺德州有多大?! (6-16 05:36)
  • pcw: (6-16 05:37)
2009-6-16 01:51 回复|
病几天了.流涕,僵脖,浑身酸痛,打喷嚏,流涕.似乎得了那个致命病:猪流感.现在我想起来了,病之前曾去过一家墨西哥人开的店,想买一些便宜货.Now I've got what I bargained for!Darn those -------s! Just kidding[em:3
  • 彩舟云淡: 吃达菲就没有事情了 (6-15 01:35)
  • pekingman60: 开个玩笑。达菲英文是什么呀? (6-15 04:28)
  • yulinw: 咱亚洲人抗得住。 (6-16 16:44)
2009-6-15 00:48 回复|
Last time it was a birdie flu,now it's a piggie flu.I wonder what would be the next. A horsie flu? A mousie flu? Or maybe a fishie flu. If that happens,it is very fishie, isn't it?
  • 户人: “A mousie flu”?人类早已经历过鼠疫了。 (6-12 21:24)
  • pekingman60: woops, didn't know that. Is 鼠疫 the same thing as a type of flu? (6-13 00:13)
  • 户人: it's called Yersinia Pestis. It's not a flu, but it will kill people rapidly. It was used as a bio weapon by the Japs against China in WWII. (6-13 00:59)
  • 宜修: if it's not something worse ... (6-12 21:36)
  • nnyycc: As long as it is not a bunny flu, I'm fine with anything. hahahahah...... (6-12 21:48)
  • pekingman60: u never know. I just didn't mention it. (6-13 00:16)
  • 宜修: (6-13 00:30)
  • nnyycc: 你瞎乐什么?我给你找个虎流感!看你还乐不乐! (6-13 00:44)
  • 宜修: 几天不见,涨行市了,你?! (6-13 00:50)
  • nnyycc: 忘了俺刚回国吃了许多美味?撑着了!您慢慢咽口水吧,啊!嘻嘻! (6-13 09:24)
  • 宜修: (6-13 09:29)
  • pekingman60: nothing is worse than a flu caused by a mutant virus! (6-13 00:27)
  • 宜修: (6-13 00:31)
  • pekingman60: just kidding (6-13 00:36)
  • 宜修: (6-13 00:40)
2009-6-12 20:34 回复|

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