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. https://www.backchina.com/u/260831 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


There is no page to turn. There IS no Presidential moment for trump to rise to. You can't teach empathy. You can't teach decency. You either have it, or you don't. Having to write "I Hear You" as an emotion to share is sad. It's also A LIE.#ListeningSession
  • 酸柚子: 这个是川粉选上的总统:How pathetic (2-23 03:49)
  • 长河明月: 川大统领是个不善于表达情感的人,所以他需要提示纸。和三个老婆谈恋爱,都是运用肢体语言,用行动表现爱意。 (2-23 04:04)
  • 看得开: 白宫官员怕这个秃头咸猪手,看见女高中生情不自禁地乱摸,就给他一张纸拿着。 (2-23 23:16)
2018-2-23 03:46 回复|

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