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分享 [ 其它日志 ]:你留意过自己的父母吗 ?
2009-3-20 11:49
Easy to write it, hard to do it. I still remember how much struggle and frustration I had to go through to help my father pursuing cancer treatment in USA. Thankful he didn't suffer too much. No regret I did what I should do. I hope every one can do it, at least try our best to do it.And [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 杂文杂事|12 个评论
分享 [ 其它日志 ]:拿三个博士后也顶不上一段幸福童年 (转 贴)
2009-3-19 04:59
拿三个博士后也顶不上一段幸福童年 (转 贴) http://club.backchina.com/main/viewthread.php?tid=753688 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 杂文杂事|13 个评论

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