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mzou 2010-2-10 13:45
I'm writing for your guys.
mzou 2009-11-28 16:43
Hi, I sent you, Zhao and Hua an email, please check.
Have a nice weekend!
mzou 2009-10-30 14:07
Hi, How are you?  miss you.
Have a nice weekend!
mzou 2009-10-12 13:35
sweetpie: I was doing lab work, just came back. Like to read your blog, always good!
Thank you for saying that.
Actually I'm really busy those two weeks since the preparations of students end of year practical tests are so heavy jobs. But the good news is two to three weeks left this semester. Then I could have time to relax.
Now I just have had our dinner.
Have a great week!
mzou 2009-10-12 12:40
Hi: very happy to see you! How are you? your daught and Wang?
How's your work going?
Missing you very much!
mzou 2009-9-1 14:50
How are you? Wang is still in China? How's your daughter's study going?
Miss you...
mzou 2009-8-14 15:09
mzou 2009-8-11 15:51
sweetpie: Look like so nice. I only saw this on the city wall when I was China. lucky lady.
Hi, Nice to see you!
You mean the Lantern Show, or the Wind Mill which Ming was inside of the photo?
mzou 2009-5-24 15:47
Ming's praparing for next year's university study, looks like busy.
We don't have nice weather recently, feel very cold.
sweetpie 2009-5-1 11:59
He went back to China again two weeks ago, just me and Siying. Both of us are busying with her exam, one is tomorrow, another one is next week. Wish she can do better. Now everything is too compatitive! How is your son?
mzou 2009-4-24 11:40
How are you? and Wang?
mzou 2009-4-19 05:53
sweetpie: smart girl!!! now I can comment on your blog instead of sending email to you. Look like you are great with your blog, very high score!!!
Waa... That's great!
mzou 2009-4-16 14:31
sweetpie: I mean the cost of visiting dentist. However I did the same treatment several years ago, maybe now the price is same.
Do you know who I am?
Oh, no, no...
Xiao Tian?
mzou 2009-4-16 14:28
sweetpie: I mean the cost of visiting dentist. However I did the same treatment several years ago, maybe now the price is same.
Do you know who I am?
Oh, you may be the one that is studying at the Business School AUT, I met you on the AUT shuttle Bus, and we had a very nice talking. Is this you?
Let me know, please.  
mzou 2009-4-14 19:14
sweetpie: It is more expensive than Melbourne.
You mean daily spending more expensive in NZ?
or the cost of visiting dentist?

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