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港媒:u.s. authorities believe hackers working on behalf of Beijing were responsible for the massive data breach that the Marriott hotel chain.
  • ryu: 万豪集团连锁酒店网络遭侵入,5亿客户的个人信息被窃,美政府人士透露,疑为受命于中国国安情报收集工作的一部分, (12-15 15:26)
  • ryu: government officials said that Marriott is the top hotel provider for American government and military personnel. (12-15 15:32)
  • ryu: 万豪是美国政府和军方人员的最大酒店供应商, (12-15 15:32)
  • ryu: Geng Shuang, a spokesman for China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, denied any knowledge of the Marriott hacking. “If offered evidence, the relevant Chinese departments will carry out investigations a (12-15 15:35)
  • ryu: according to the law.”he said.中国外交部发言人耿爽否认知晓万豪遭黑客攻击一事,“如有证据,中国有关部门会依法开展调查。” (12-15 15:37)
  • ryu: 他还说:“中国是黑客攻击的主要受害国之一。” (12-15 15:39)
  • ryu: 昨天华尔街日报又曝中国黑客入侵美国海军承包商的系统,窃取机密导弹计划和海军舰艇的保守维护和检查数据。 (12-15 15:42)
  • sweets: too much 这样的事了。 (12-15 20:03)
2018-12-15 15:20 回复|

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