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  • ryu: 【不断更新】港人穿黑衣挤爆游行集合点,大数据!! (6-16 16:15)
  • ryu: 【实时】(13:55) 维园目前已企满1.5个足球场,目前大批市民从天后站及铜锣湾记利佐治街涌入维园。 港铁铜锣湾站E出口目前作人流管制,市民不能从E出口进入站内。 (13:45) 九巴发出新闻稿,指为配合6月16日于港岛区举 (6-16 16:39)
  • ryu: 举行的公众游行,九巴将加强102、106、112、116线,以及新界区的过海路线服务。 (6-16 16:40)
  • ryu: 快慢都无所谓! 最重要系人数150万! (6-16 16:43)
  • ryu: 加油!加油!加油!要和平,香港加油 (6-16 16:44)
  • ryu: 港鐵出古惑,阻延前往支持示威者 (6-16 16:44)
  • ryu: 【反送中男子以死控林郑月娥 最终堕楼亡】 一名30多岁男子15日晚在金钟太古广场约20米高的工程铝架上,挂起「反送中」横额标语,要求林郑下台,他危站约五小时后堕下死亡。 警方在现场找到遗书,内容主要是控诉特区 (6-16 16:18)
  • ryu: 政府。 至16日早上,大批香港市民到场致哀。 (6-16 16:18)
  • ryu: Many who are taking part today are demanding the gov to vindicate the students, holding banners that say: "The students did not riot", referring to the clashes between students and police on June 12 (6-16 16:21)
  • ryu: The Taipei #反送中 protests is only 20 minutes in and already hundreds have shown up with more pouring in, heard from one organizer they are expecting over a thousand people. Pleasantly surprised by t (6-16 16:21)
  • ryu: the turnout, by far the biggest TW-HK solidarity protest to happen in a while. (6-16 16:22)
  • ryu: The protest is specifically being framed in terms of TW-HK solidarity. Lots of signs and speaches talking about shared grievances and frustrations, all in regards to an encroaching CCP. (6-16 16:22)
  • ryu: Political scientist 吳睿人 is currently rallying the crowd just went off with a call and response of  "反對中國帝國主義," which isn't a new frame in activist circles, but it's the first time I've hear (6-16 16:23)
  • ryu: it used as a chant (6-16 16:23)
  • ryu: Crowd numbers are always hard to get a grasp of, but there are definitely multiple thousands of people here despite 32 degree heat (6-16 16:23)
  • ryu: Chason Dailey - Organizers estimate over 6,000 attending Taiwan solitarity rally #香港反送中 #反送中 #616黑衣大遊行 (6-16 16:25)
  • ryu: 香港泛民反修法运动继续发酵 局势仍难预料 (6-16 16:34)
  • ryu: 人山人海 看不到頭 香港還是一國2制嗎 ? (6-16 16:36)
2019-6-16 16:14 回复|

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