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Karl Lagerfeld,卡尔·拉菲尔德,俗名老佛爷的香奈儿设计总监离世,
  • sweets: 享年85岁, (2-19 20:19)
  • sweets: Opps,拉格斐, (2-19 20:21)
  • sweets: 一代时尚教父,他,累了! (2-19 20:22)
  • sweets: 纯黑墨镜,半指子羊皮手套,一头标志式的银发,拉格斐,世界时尚界的先驱者之一, (2-19 20:25)
  • sweets: 德意志汉堡出来的一个顽固的时装设计旺夫, (2-19 20:30)
  • sweets: Karl Lagerfeld, une vie et une carrière hors. (2-19 20:30)
  • sweets: Sad to hear that fashion icon and Chanel boss Karl Lagerfeld dies aged 85! (2-19 20:52)
  • sweets: In honor of karl lagerfeld here are some of his chanel collections at the grand palais. the amount creativity put into the sets are iconic. (2-19 21:51)
  • sweets: RIP (2-19 20:52)
2019-2-19 20:18 回复|

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