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JuneRipple的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/321720 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


brutality starts~~~  
  • i0u: what's up? (9-10 23:30)
  • JuneRipple: God is testing me to see how patient I am.... he is always like that, on and off, challenging me from time to time....   ... fortunately, I am still alive.  Thank God, you are with me!   (9-10 23:39)
  • i0u: ha~~talking about patient, I have a lot ~~I am not god, but you know where to find me (9-10 23:59)
  • JuneRipple: of course you are not God, you are a goddess~~~    thanks a lot, I am fine~~~ (9-11 00:04)
2012-9-10 23:26 回复|

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