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启蒙的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/341408 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


  • 启蒙: 习叉叉为了自己的“威望”不惜哀求川普缓期执行,哪怕延缓15天也好,这哪还有什么威望,分明是弱不禁风了!这种交易居然还被川普推特明着说了出来,这厮够损的! (9-13 07:32)
  • ryu: At the request of the Vice Premier of China, Liu He, and due to the fact that the People's Republic of China will be celebrating their 70th Anniversary.... (9-13 08:45)
  • ryu: ....on October 1st, we have agreed, as a gesture of good will, to move the increased Tariffs on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods (25% to 30%), from October 1st to October 15th. (9-13 08:45)
  • 启蒙: 华春莹又要宣布:毛衣站我方取得了阶段性胜利 (9-13 09:00)
2019-9-13 07:25 回复|

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