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空山寒啸的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/357999 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


Goldman Sachs sees further weakness for oil due to the worsening of already weak fundamentals after OPEC held back from cutting production at its recent meeting, and is standing by its prediction of $20 a barrel bottom—the breakeven cash cost for highly levered high-cost US shale producers. If oil prices fall below that level, companies will have to make output cuts in order to avert losses.
  • 空山寒啸: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-goldman-thinks-oil-headed-034123359.html# (12-19 01:48)
  • 空山寒啸: 没想到the breakeven cash cost for highly levered high-cost US shale producers只有$20 a barrel。 (12-19 01:51)
  • 空山寒啸: 如果Goldman Sachs 的估计不太离谱,哈哈,考虑到美国不在乎,沙特真有钱,俄罗斯真没钱,油价还真有可能跌到,甚至跌穿$20。 (12-19 03:38)
2015-12-19 01:48 回复|

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