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mandarin的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/359596 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


  • mandarin: According to legend, in the beginning of the world,the sky and the earth were not separated, andthere was only darkness and chaos. 很早很早以前,天和地还没有分开,宇宙只是混沌一片。 (2-25 13:29)
  • mandarin: Our ancestor Pangu,a giant, had been born andgrowing up in it for 108 000 years. One day, hesuddenly woke up. Opening the eyes, he found thateverything was blurred and invisible. 人类的老祖宗——盘古 (2-25 13:30)
  • mandarin: 是一个巨人,就生长在这混沌之中,一直经过了十万八千年。有一天,盘古忽然醒了过来睁开眼睛一看,模糊一片,什么都看不见。 (2-25 13:30)
  • mandarin: Angrily, he grasped an axe and wielded it with an effort. With a bang, the chaos was split all ofa sudden. 他非常生气,抓过一把斧子,朝眼前用力一挥。只听一声巨响,混沌一片的东西忽然分开了。 (2-25 13:30)
2016-2-25 13:29 回复|

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