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飞舞的蜻蜓的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/375058 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


Mr Donald Trump is a father, grand father, a husband in his family. He is the president of the United States, a commander of the US army. He is a successful man. People in US simply believe his leadership for this great country
  • 飞舞的蜻蜓: 楼下那个酸XX用一个卖春的话攻击川普总统和支持川普总统的华人,只能说明这货已经捞不到稻草了。 Taking your sucking life, 酸XX (1-24 10:59)
2018-1-24 10:51 回复|

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