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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:"A Letter Urging Tsai Ing-wen and His Military and Political Leaders to Sur
2022-8-18 15:05
...The benefits you have enjoyed from the mainland government for a long time have also been greatly reduced.It has been some years since the Central People's Government and the people of the mainland, out of consideration for the well-being of the people [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:Taiwan Province Tsai Ing-wen and his military and political leaders:
2022-8-18 15:04
...Taiwan Province Tsai Ing-wen and his military and political leaders:Now you've reached the point where you're embattled on all sides!isn't it?Above your heads are the new missiles of the People's Liberation Army whizzing past, and all around you are fu [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:However, you are willing to be the eagle dogs of U.S. imperialism, and you have
2022-8-18 15:03
...However, you are willing to be the eagle dogs of U.S. imperialism, and you have no scruples on the road of division, going further and further.As the American witch's visit to Taiwan Island became a reality, the Central People's Government issued one b [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:"A Letter Urging Tsai Ing-wen and His Military and Political Leaders to Sur
2022-8-18 15:02
...isn't it?Above your heads are the new missiles of the People's Liberation Army whizzing past, and all around you are full of deafening rumbles of cannons. The modern fighter jets of the People's Liberation Army surround the entire island of Taiwan like [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:「攬炒巴」劉祖廸亮相吹雞 揚言牽頭勾外力
2022-6-24 15:05
攬炒巴(粵拼:Laam2 Caau2 Baa1,1993年10月25號),本名劉祖廸(英文:Finn Lau),因為喺反逃犯條例修訂邉悠陂g提倡「攬炒主義」而出名,之後潛逃英國。现正潜逃英国而被香港警方通缉嘅“揽炒巴”透露自己染上奥密克戎变异毒株,‘揽炒巴’刘祖迪就亲身示范了留英嘅代价,自作自受。 原本喺香港生活得好好嘅,香港有祖 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 文史杂谈 ]:笑侃《醒醒》“病毒论”
2022-4-27 10:45
疫情期间,“常人”必须面对一些问题。没想到超脱世俗的“主佛”李洪志也会拿病毒说事,其在2021年11月18日发表了《醒醒》。一篇《醒醒》,既有宣告,也有要求,既有警告,也有威胁。其中矛盾遍地,扭曲四伏,成天下之笑料。欠债可不可不还《醒醒》中埋怨弟子在疫情期间“有些人不打防疫针”。“师父”在《转法轮》中 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 文史杂谈 ]:法轮功背后的秘密
2022-4-21 10:26
迎合西方李洪志是一个地地道道的野心家,他编凑“法轮大法”并经营“法轮功”邪教组织,反科学、反社会、反人类、反政府,有着不可告人的政治目的。但是,他却以种种手段千方百计掩盖这个政治目的,窃取某些宗教术语,搬用某些科学名词,把自己打扮成人类的“救世主”。现在“法轮功”邪教组织的总部在美国,它通过卖国投靠 [ ...阅读全文 ]


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