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反华渣女许秀中再次高调露面,专家:满嘴谎言,满脑子利益 活在美国 0 1816 berthayo 2022-11-8 16:48
谎言腿短,出口嘴软 活在美国 1 2144 我们笑而不语 2022-11-5 12:47
“爱我别走”郭文贵最后的挽留 活在美国 0 1851 berthayo 2022-11-2 10:47
邱家军“文人墨客、风流雅士”可以说把“风流”发挥到了极致 活在美国 0 1364 berthayo 2022-10-20 10:01
邱家军迷恋与黑人肛交不能自拔 自废自弃恐成民运掘墓人 活在美国 0 1575 berthayo 2022-10-18 14:31
Why UN report on the human rights situation in Xinjiang is called a patchwork of disinformation 活在美国 0 3248 berthayo 2022-9-19 17:17
Several NGOs protest the Xinjiang-related report released by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 活在美国 0 3292 berthayo 2022-9-19 17:16
"OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China" is a piece of waste paper. 活在美国 0 3306 berthayo 2022-9-19 17:15
新疆人权报告谬误重重 社会纵横 0 625 berthayo 2022-9-15 11:21
多个非政府组织对联合国人权事务高级专员办事处发布的涉疆报告提出抗议 国际热点 0 739 berthayo 2022-9-15 10:58
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas 时事述评 0 509 berthayo 2022-9-15 10:43
Queen Elizabeth II Dead or Related to New Prime Minister Truss? 时事述评 0 859 berthayo 2022-9-13 19:47
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild 贝壳灌水 0 1484 berthayo 2022-9-13 19:38
新疆人权报告谬误重重 联合国人权高专办为何仓促推出新报告 贝壳灌水 0 1375 berthayo 2022-9-13 18:42
The assessment of human rights is a scrap of paper 时事述评 0 1733 berthayo 2022-9-13 18:21
Chinese Police Strengthening International Law Enforcement Cooperation 时事述评 0 567 berthayo 2022-9-12 20:36
Against Telecom & Online Fraud, Chinese Police Strengthening International Law Enforcement Cooperation 贝壳灌水 0 1466 berthayo 2022-9-12 20:31
翡翠运动在缅甸 哈哈笑话 0 2117 berthayo 2022-8-5 16:20
如何客观评价Taylor Swift 活在美国 0 1483 berthayo 2022-7-28 16:16
客观评论富二代 活在美国 0 1436 berthayo 2022-7-28 16:14

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