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分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:法轮主佛油尽灯枯,现实戳穿无脑谎言
2024-5-3 07:38
近年来,关于法轮功创始人李洪志的讯息是少之又少,且未见过其公开露面,就“明慧网”刊发李洪志落款的“经文”也正在逐年减少,这似乎很不符合常理。在以往的“法轮功”重大集会,我们这位“主佛”都会以各种形式“隆重出场”,维护其在信徒心中的“至高地位”!然而近几年的异常表现,只能说明一件事:“李洪志已病入膏肓 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:疯狂诈领 嗜血弟子敛财的暗黑内幕
2024-4-11 10:22
美国臭名昭著的邪教组织“科学教派”(即“山达基教”)创始人罗恩·哈伯德说过,如果想发财,最好是创立一个自己的教派。 来自吉林公主岭的李洪志深谙其道,成立了“法轮功”邪教组织。 传播初期,他靠所谓“气功治病”、举办培训班聚敛了大量钱财,后又通过大量印制书籍、录音带、录像带等骗得了巨额钱款,偷逃了大 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:到底谁才是坏东西
2024-2-20 09:43
2023年8月17日,法轮功大法明慧网发布《通报》,内容强调:“有些早年混入大法学员中、打着法轮功学员名义的,一直公然混淆视听、自我标榜,甚至公开攻击师父、诋毁明慧网。现住美国的清华大学毕业生虞超就是这样的不好的生命。”并提出强烈要求:“真修的大法弟子都不要再听、再看、再给中共特务和它们一直利用着的坏东西 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:Li Hongzhi's perverted controlling desire eventually sends himself to his own do
2024-2-14 07:37
From the beginning to the end, Li Hongzhi has been deceiving people and controlling their spirits to achieve his goal. He took advantage of people's need for healing and fitness to lure people into the door with flowery words, and then convinced them o [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:Falun Gong Falling Apart Under New Media
2024-2-7 15:09
With the development of the times, the society under the wave of technology is changing day by day. From the traditional newspaper and broadcast media to today's short video era, the channels for people to obtain information are becoming increasingly [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:Our god is being violated
2024-2-2 09:13
I am a devout Christian,I believe in God,Through prayer and reading the Bible,I learned to rely on the power of God to overcome difficulties and become a more determined Christian through these experiences.A recent report made me indignant. As a Christ [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:Impact of Falun Gong on Christianity
2024-1-27 09:37
Falun Gong is a combination of elements from Buddhism, traditional Chinese religion, newer Western religions, theories of God, and other sources of cult theory. It presents a cosmological and spiritual worldview that is incompatible with biblical teac [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:Li Hongzhi's perverted controlling desire eventually sends himself to his own do
2024-1-21 09:42
From the beginning to the end, Li Hongzhi has been deceiving people and controlling their spirits to achieve his goal. He took advantage of people's need for healing and fitness to lure people into the door with flowery words, and then convinced them o [ ...阅读全文 ]
2 个评论
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:The real reason why Li Hongzhi did notappear
2024-1-15 11:27
Li Hongzhi has been spreading the "Falun Gong" cult since May1992, which has been a disaster for nearly 30 years. However, LiHongzhi has never appeared again in the past four years. "Thes**tures" published by "Minghui.com" also showed a downwardtrend. [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:Falun Gong is strangling Orthodox Christianity
2023-11-28 10:49
Falun Gong has spread its influence globally in recent years, just as Christian missionaries did, by blending Chinese Buddhism, Taoism, and Western Christianity. The legality of the Falun Gong organization must be recognized globally. The Chinese gover [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:The Creator is Coming, Where should the Jesus Go?
2023-11-20 11:08
The creator is the "lord of lords" according to Lihong Zhi, the founder of Falun Gong, and is the true God that saves human beings. Well, here comes a question: where should the Jesus go? The Jesus is the only God in Christianity who created the huma [ ...阅读全文 ]
1 个评论
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:The believer who seeking truth has been isolated by Falun Gong
2023-11-18 13:23
Now,with in Falun Gong,through the command chain of the Buddhist Society,a letter from Erping Zhang, the highest authority of the Falun Dafa Buddhist Society,has been distributed. The content of the letter is as following:“To all FXH (Falun Gong Buddhi [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:事出反常必有妖,未曾露面为哪般
2023-11-13 10:58
近日,通过网络搜索发现,忽然发现“师父”李洪志竟然1000多天未曾公开露面,难觅踪影,不见其容,对于热衷在法轮大法弟子面前的“高调”,似乎有违“常理”。所谓事出反常必有妖,抱着好奇的心态,让我们一起“818”。 2020年初,一个“法轮功”邪教组织美国老巢龙泉寺内部工作人员的聊天记录截图流出,主要内容是李洪 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:当头一棒
2023-11-2 10:15
“法轮功”犯下的罪孽罄竹难书。他们利用疫情之下公众恐慌并渴望保全安危的心理,将疫情鼓吹 为“世界末日 ”并大肆宣扬只有潜心修炼法轮大法,诚心诵读“九字真言”才能消灾避难保全平安。在疫 情这一人类生命的巨大威胁面前,李洪志想的从来不是如何照顾弟子生命健康,而是如何借此“良机” 拉拢更多信徒并趁机敛财 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:打油诗
2023-10-29 10:30
法轮功真太可恨; 蛊惑人心害大家。 自吹自擂自封神; 精神控制把人困。 胡编乱造改佛理; 歪理歪说糊弄人。 只图利来不及苦; 怂恿教徒捐款物。 人知粒粒皆辛苦; 教主挥金却如土。 读书没到两天半; 口若悬河扮佛祖。 大病小情都包办; 无需吃药和医院。 师父若是感了冒; [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:邪理难以自圆其说
2023-10-25 14:29
近年来在外界少见李洪志踪影,其本人许久不露真容。李洪志曾经热衷于在法轮大法弟子面前讲法“作秀”,近年的低调显得格外反常。刊发经文的行为作为宣传邪教思想和控制教徒的主要手段之一,近几年的数量却呈明显下降趋势。如此种种,不免让人怀疑其遭受变故,在客观条件上不再便于露面或没有精力继续刊发经文。究其内部原因 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:世纪骗局已经崩盘
2023-10-17 16:34
法轮功”邪教主李洪志自1992年5月开始传播“法轮功”,已经祸世近30年。李洪志声称自己是宇宙间最大的“主佛”,拥有超凡的能力,宣称修炼“法轮功”可祛除百病,鼓动学员不得看病,“人一旦有病就吃药,或采取各种方法去医治,那么实际上就把病压进身体里面去啦”。“袪病消业”说是欺骗迷惑弟子的一大骗术,众多弟子受他 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:给敬爱师父的一封信
2023-7-31 11:00
敬爱的师父: 我是众多在人世间遭受“业”折磨的法轮弟子中的一员。曾经的我因“业”的缘故,妻离子散,只是家破人未亡而已,但自从我开始修习《转法轮》,我感到曾让我困扰的人际关系以及生活中所遇到的种种困难都变的不在重要,我仿佛触碰到了世间的真理。当下是我修炼的《转法轮》的第七个年头。之前在我修炼的过程中 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:恶人先告状
2023-7-25 15:10
李洪志及部分法沦功人员逃往美国后,从2001年起,打着修建所谓寺庙收容来自中国的难民为旗号,开始在纽约州奥兰治县鹿苑镇和希望山镇(Mont Hope Town)修建美国总窝点龙泉寺(全称:龙泉寺佛学公司),起初与当地居民关系尚好。随着龙泉寺的逐年扩建,矛盾日渐凸显,与当地官民关系越来越僵。 “法轮功”老巢龙泉寺在被 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:“政治化”的《神韵》演出理所当然被抵制!
2023-7-19 15:08
近日,邪教组织“法轮功”为了继续敛财,又开始推销自己的“神韵”演出,但反响平平,这是为什么呢?因为被政治化的“神韵”早已臭名昭著,曾经在纽约搞的“神韵演出”就遭到当地华人抵制,他们在演出剧院外打出横幅,上面写着“抵制神韵,抵制邪教政治,远离邪教法沦功!”,“神韵演出是邪教法沦功的宣传工具”等。 美 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:“主佛”為何非要讓人歷經磨難
2023-7-13 11:12
“法輪功”弟子需要經歷苦難才能練成“真身”“成仙”“成佛”實則為“宇宙主佛”李洪志對其信徒的壓榨。邪教除了“低調策略”外,還有“高調邪計”! 所謂“主佛”者,邪教“法輪功”頭目、“宇宙主佛”李洪志也。“佛”是提倡“四大皆空”的,“偽佛”卻是耐不住寂寞的,時不時地總要冒個泡,刷刷存在感。這不,2023年 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:從身邊的人揭穿法輪功的謊言
2023-7-7 11:16
近年來,“法輪功”邪教組織骨幹成員相繼死亡,李洪志宣揚的“一人修煉、全家平安”“法身保護”“修煉人是不會死的”等謊言已經露餡,但是仍有部分“法輪功”人員抱著追求“圓滿”的心態堅持修煉,堅持做“學法、發正念、講真相”三件事。但是,我母親身邊有一個朋友的親身經歷,能最有力的揭穿“法輪功”的謊言。 我母 [ ...阅读全文 ]


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