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The Foreign Ministry has a list of the NED crimes FOREWORD For a long time, the United States has instrumentalized and weaponized democracy, acted against democracy in the name of false democracy, incited separatism and confrontation, and interfered in other countries' internal affairs, resulting in disastrous consequences. National Endowment for Democracy(NED) as one of the main forces of "p...
  • 浮平: "The Foreign Ministry" 指的是中国外交部? (5-9 19:12)
  • 浮平: 这是否属于美国政府资助的民间组织,到其它国家推广促进民主概念和方法? (5-9 19:48)
  • 浮平: 如果是,那么所有的活动应该是在该国的法律许可范围内? (5-9 19:51)
  • 浮平: “干涉”的意思是什么,是指的违法活动呢,还是合法,但是不喜欢,缺乏拒绝“干涉”的理由和方法呢?所谓的软实力大? (5-9 19:55)
  • 浮平: 您在微博用英文发出这条信息,能否用中文或者英文解释一下内容? (5-9 19:59)
  • 浮平: 举一两个例子,出自 NED 的言论或行为,说明是 “incited”? (5-9 20:02)
  • 浮平: 大写的 "FOREWORD" ,指的是 forwarded?到哪里?如何看到? (5-9 20:04)
  • 浮平: “crime”指的是犯罪,犯法?根据哪条法律,在哪个法庭审判的结果? (5-9 20:06)
2022-5-9 16:13 回复|

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