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shen fuen的个人空间 https://www.backchina.com/u/91063 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] 随缘自在, 知足常乐


  • 浮平: 原话是不是这样的: (6-6 11:51)
  • 浮平: “It is up to you how you want to see the world. The question is what conclusion you will reach. Do you conclude that the Chinese have to be like you, in order to be your friend? Or do you conclude th (6-6 11:51)
  • 浮平: Or do you conclude that they do not have to be like you, yet you can still do business with them? (6-6 11:51)
  • 浮平: We do hope that you [Americans] can come to the second conclusion, because it is not necessary for you to be enemies just because you are different from them. They do not think less of you just becaus (6-6 11:52)
  • 浮平: because you do not have a Communist Party of the United States.” (6-6 11:52)
  • 浮平: 现在的关系是有意见要表达,要解决问题,没有与之为敌。 (6-6 11:53)
2018-6-6 10:32 回复|

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