Whirlpool Cuts 1,100 Jobs In Indiana, Moving To Mexico

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Whirlpool Cuts 1,100 Jobs In Indiana, Moving To Mexico
By Tom Murphy, AP Business Writer
Manufacturing.Net - August 28, 2009

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Whirlpool Corp. announced Friday that it will close its refrigerator factory in Evansville, Ind., by next year and cut 1,100 jobs as it continues a push to trim excess capacity.

Whirlpool said it will move the production of refrigerators with freezers on top to a company location in Mexico, where they are cheaper to produce. Ice makers produced in Evansville will be moved to a yet-to-be-decided location.

The jobs will be eliminated in mid-2010. The Benton Harbor, Mich.-based appliance maker has aggressively cut costs as demand for big-ticket items has shrunk in the recession.

Whirlpool spokeswoman Jill Saletta, speaking at a Friday morning press conference Webcast by Evansville television station WFIE, said the plant closing had nothing to do with worker performance.

"This decision is around cost," she said. "We had to take a look at which plant we could get the best cost position in, and because top-mount refrigerators are not in the demand that they used to be and they're more of a commodity item, Mexico offers us the best cost platform to continue to produce (them)."

The "difficult but necessary decision" to close the plant allows Whirlpool to streamline its operations and reduce product overlap, said Al Holaday, Whirlpool's vice president for North American manufacturing facilities, in a statement.

Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel said in a separate Webcast from WFIE that Whirlpool officials told him they have lost money in Evansville for several years.

"We're talking about a dramatic impact on the economy and the work force," he said, regarding the factory closing. "Our job is to try to find ways to absorb these folks into other positions in the economy."

Weinzapfel noted that companies like Evansville-based pediatric nutrition products maker Mead Johnson Nutrition Co. are still doing well in the area.

City officials said they hope to keep Whirlpool's refrigeration product development center, but Whirlpool said it has not decided the fate of the center's 300 employees. It expects to in the "near future."

Last year, Whirlpool cut 120 jobs at the Evansville plant.

Its closing fits into Whirlpool's bigger plan of reducing excess capacity that it built between 2004 and 2007, said Brian Sozzi, an analyst with Wall Street Strategies.

Cowen and Co. analyst Laura Champine noted that most Whirlpool factories are only running one shift, and the bigger plants have room to take up production from smaller locations like Evansville. She estimated that Evansville accounted for about 2 percent of Whirlpool's work force.

"If you look at what they've done over the past few years, it's been all about closing their smaller plants so they can maximize production at their larger plants," she said.

The company's profit outlook for 2009 remains unchanged from a July forecast of $3.50 to $4 per share. Whirlpool shares rose $1.15 cents to $65.28 in afternoon trading Friday.

Evansville sits in the southwest corner of Indiana, a state battered by manufacturing job losses during the recession. Elkhart County in northern Indiana has seen unemployment rates approaching 20 percent due to the collapse of recreational vehicle manufacturing.

Other parts of the state have been hurt by automotive bankruptcies. Indiana's unemployment rate dropped slightly in July to 10.6 percent, as some auto workers returned to their jobs. But the state ranked ahead of the national average of 9.4 percent.

AP Retail Writer Vinnee Tong contributed to this report from New York.


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Whirlpool  8/28/2009 4:21:00 PM 
Our government needs to make sure that when a U. S. company moves their work to Mexico or some other "cheap labor" country that the companies are charged a surtax or some large fee on each product any U. S. company has produced in one of their facilities outside the U.S. Stop giving any U.S. company any tax breaks for anything until they shore up their business in the U.S. to where it is profitable or let them close. Eventually the executives from such companies will start losing their jobs and then let's see what happens.
I quit buying Whirlpool Stuff already  8/28/2009 4:27:00 PM 
I had a Whirlpool refrigerator, stove and dishwasher installed in my house when I bought it. All of these appliances repeatedly broke down and took a lot of trouble to repair. I have since replaced the refrigerator with an Amana, the dishwasher with Maytag (before it was Whirlpool) and the stove with Frigidare and have had not had a problem with any of them since. So now Whilrpool products will have sub-standard labor in addition to sub-standard engineering and materials. Who cares? I wouldn't but any of there stuff any more anyways. Maybe the Indiana plant can make refrigerators under a better quialit brand name.
Whirlpool  8/28/2009 4:33:00 PM 
Thanks for the warning. I'll be looking for another brand Mr. Whirlpool
Too Bad  8/28/2009 4:34:00 PM 
Too bad for Whirlpool. In my book taking jobs out of the US and sending them anywhere in this day and time is unforgiveable. Whirlpool product just fell off my shopping list.
Truly sad  8/28/2009 4:47:00 PM 
"I suppose we can put a shopping mall in the factories place" said local Town Board member Vic Bucsktadt. That is about all we do here in the U.S. buy stuff from other countries. It's just plain sad.
1100 jobs! Gone.  8/28/2009 4:49:00 PM 
I sure hope that when I read these articles about companies that layoff some/most/all of their employees, close plants, then build new facilities in other countries, that these companies didn't get one-cent of stimulus money.
Reality check  8/28/2009 4:54:00 PM 
The fact is that our labor markets are very high priced and certain products cannot sustain that high a price. I do not hear anyone screaming when they figure out that they can get a commodity refridgerator for a lower price than was ever possible in history, so why the whining? Markets change constantly. Companies have to look out for their investors and sometimes have to make difficult decisions. After all, they are in business to make a profit, not provide a job based welfare system.
Fight back  8/28/2009 4:56:00 PM 
Trying to buy US made products is getting very difficult, and almost impossible. I still try my best to not purchase import products. I agree with some of the posts on here - bye bye to Whirlpool.
1100 Jobs - Close to home  8/28/2009 4:59:00 PM 
Any company that lays off US employees to take advantage of cheap Mexican labor should be charged a surtax equal to the cost of production in the new country for each unit sold. That surtax should then be divided between the displaced workers. Take Whirlpool off my vendor list. maybe if enough of us comment, someone will get the message that this is unacceptable for an American company.
Whiff  8/28/2009 5:14:00 PM 
What type of appliance are you going to buy? Do you realize the number of brands Whrilpool owns. Will there be any American made appliances around anymore? Kind-a like the TV. I’m sure none of the responders who say “NO more Whrilpool” has one in their living room den or bedroom. Get real…
Whirlpool Cuts 1,100 Jobs In Indiana, Moving To Mexico  8/28/2009 5:22:00 PM 
globalization = equal veges for equal performance, are you surprised? the only problem with that equation is, that the cost of living is much lower in Mexico and the tax rate is max 10% could we try to equalize the cost of living too? If not sooner or later nobody will able to buy here anything was made in Mexico....for that you do not need to study economy just made the milk-maid calculation if the governments are not able to do it we have to do on our own, sad, sad ...
WHIRLING Union Pool  8/28/2009 5:57:00 PM 
END Unions now - before all manufacturing is cleaned out. Unions take every dime of money available for R&D assuming we're still in the 1950's dominating the world. OBAMA: 1) Lower payroll taxes - hire more - lower cost of labor 2) Lower Corporate Tax - create more jobs, lower business costs in the US (2nd highest) 3) Accelerate Depreciation -- new high tech equipment 4) Lower Capital Gains - plant and equipment 5) END UNIONS - they are the nuclear weapons of jobs and company's ... Autos, Airlines, Steel - bankrupt America's infrastructure is the place business wants to be - roads, quality of life, distribution, Colleges -- Government and Unions are killing the business / job environment
Job Fight or Flight  8/28/2009 6:39:00 PM 
Soon it will be Americans sneeking across the border to get jobs in Mexico. This is insane. Reality Check is right though, markets do change constantly, and we AMERICANS have the right to buy from any manufacturer we want. As soon as AMERICANS decide that a $2,500.00 basic refridgerator is cost effective i'm sure another manufacturer here in the US will step up.
Mr. Reality check...  8/28/2009 7:05:00 PM 
Your blather is part of the problem, you see us as whining, we are not. We are in a country whos government is doing nothing for the hand that feeds them, they in fact are biting it off. They produce nothing but red tape. I wonder when all these companies offshore their business, what the people in the US are going to have when it comes time to pay for their expensive housing? Oh, I see it is time to turn the tables, make the US into a turd world, well we have the right leaders for it. But the Americans are to blame for voting these people in office. So in the end, just sit in your own juices.
Time to do what's right!  8/28/2009 7:29:00 PM 
Why can’t these companies understand that the reason people aren’t buying their products is because of the fact that more and more Americans are losing there jobs because of companies just like their own….selling off jobs to foreign countries. They just don’t understand that it’s a vicious cycle they have help create. I know personally, I would pay a little more for a product to support any company that kept Americans working. It’s a sad state of affairs when maximizing profits comes before keeping Americans working. Just how much profit is ENOUGH? It’s high time corporate America starts doing what’s right for America.
Another one bites the dust  8/28/2009 7:36:00 PM 
Well the first thing the government should do is insure that any government contracts for products made outside the US by companies who closed US factories to move them outside the US are canceled. The good news is this will eventually solve the illegal immigrant problem for the US and make it Mexico's problem as US workers sneak across the border to get jobs in Mexico.
Short-Sighted Decision  8/28/2009 8:20:00 PM 
I understand the need to be competitive, but what component of the delivered cost is manufacturing labor and what is shipping? When oil returns to $150/barrel, does this still make economical and environmental sense? How much effort went into reducing the U.S. manufacturing labor cost? I agree with the comments to make it more difficult to ship jobs out of the country for the corporate fat cats. I will definitely not buy Whirlpool!
whirlpool  8/28/2009 8:28:00 PM 
I do by Whirlpool products and I do ask where they are made, maybe a lot more people should. And by the way I do pay more for a U.S. Products, but I know I am helping myself by help them maintain there jobs.
Quality Control? No hablo ingles!  8/29/2009 3:19:00 AM 
I guess they can't brag about being "Proudly Made in the USA" anymore. I'll look somewhere else for my new dishwasher. Gracias for nothing!
Whirlpool no more  8/29/2009 6:02:00 AM 
I'm shopping for a refrigerator but will absolutely not buy Whirlpool or Maytag! I as well was a big Maytag buyer until they were acquired by Whirlpool. If the top-freezer refrigerators are no no longer selling, quit making them and focus on a product that is or could be selling, OR carry only 2 models. What happened to innovation? Keep the jobs here. As far as ice makers, perhaps they should try hard to keep those jobs in the US? I'm tired of seeing jobs out-sourced to other countries. I agree with the person that said there should be a surtax and a company that send jobs out of the country should not get assistance from the govt when times get tough.
WHIRLPOOL  8/29/2009 8:22:00 AM 
I agree with some of the posts here - American labor - especially union labor - is way too expensive. The unions force companies to move. Look at Chrysler; after becoming government owned they want to build a new model in mexico because of the labor.
The big swirly  8/29/2009 8:35:00 AM 
keep cutting jobs, salaries and hours -- it's a race to the bottom. Whirlpool - shame on you. You've just screwed 1,100 potential customers and spent untold millions in negative advertising.
NAFTA  8/29/2009 10:31:00 AM 
We should of listened and elected Ross Perot. Should of elected Mitt. Both of these guys come from the business side of the economy, but the left is scared of these guys, afraid of what ?..Well keep on voting for far left wing radicals into office that never worked in the business world to Washington and nothing is going to CHANGE. Not talking about FREE TRADE RESTRICTIONS, talking about putting people in office that have actually learned how to establish a budget and make a profit. These are the same people that understand how to create jobs..What is wrong with this country that we can not see this is the type of leader we need..Tired of life time members to congress that are running this country into the ground, start term limits in 2010. This is the Change we want and need, but you have to vote these types of leaders into office.
Whirlpool  8/29/2009 10:52:00 AM 
I work in the food industry. Raw ingredients can be bought outside of our borders for less than half the price here in the US due to tariffs and price supports. Problem is, once a a raw material is transformed into a simple finished product of any sort, that product can be brought back across the border unrestricted at a much lower cost. Labor is a factor, but not the overwhelming one. For instance, chocolate companies like Hershey and Masterfoods can buy milk, sugar, peanuts and corn syrup at 1/3 of the price in Mexico. They make finished product there and bring it back into the US, avoiding all price supports and tariffs - resulting in a product manufactured at LEAST a third cheaper. There are no hard candy manufacturers left in the US. Hard candy is all sugar, which is less than 1/3 the price of sugar in the US. Simply form the sugar into candy shapes (finished product), and the hard candy can be exported into the US with no penalty. A US manufacturer stands absolutely no chance of survival. Write your representatives about these unfair trade practices...
Yet another name on the "Do Not Buy List"  8/29/2009 2:10:00 PM 
Along with Hershey, GM, etc... I also try very hard to buy made in USA. My job is in the USA. We manufacture stuff in the USA. I'd like my job to stay, so I do unto others as I'd have done to me.
Cars or refrigerators  8/30/2009 11:47:00 AM 
I hope everyone who is upset with Whirlpool moving to Mexico is driving American cars. From Big to little, we need to buy American everytime we can.
whirlpool  8/31/2009 7:17:00 AM 
People- it is not wages. It is stupid union rules, and government interference, along with lawyers haveing a culture of bleeding companies dry. Who in their right mind will build a factory in the usa? Obama and the socialists are making us a nation of gas station and restaurant workers. By the way, if the refrigerators sell in mexico, it is NOT outsourcing. It is called, "moving closer to the market" . Americans wake up! The lawyers and unions have made the conditions compelling to leave the usa.
Whirlpool  8/31/2009 7:30:00 AM 
I suppose that with reduced production costs, these savings will be passed on to the consumer?
Surtaxes?  8/31/2009 7:58:00 AM 
Read the article. "Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel said in a separate Webcast from WFIE that Whirlpool officials told him they have lost money in Evansville for several years." Did the government give Whirlpool a tax break all those years for keeping the Evansville plant running? Whirlpool already paid too much to build commodity product there. Either they build in Mexico, or we continue to import Mexican labor to lower the labor costs in the US. Are the writers posting here biased against Mexico? Should we surtax GM for building cars in Canada? Can the US government tax itself?
re: Reality Check  8/31/2009 8:40:00 AM 
The logic that the "strong" (read "cheap") survive is an oversimplification, and does not work in the long run. One does not have to support unions and their historically inefficient practices when we say "build it here, or we won't buy it". They are separate issues, and can be tackled simultaneously (i.e. say no to Obama's vote check bill). Yes, our markets are high priced, but so is the German labour market, and they are exporting like crazy. Part of the deal, for this to work, is to suck it up, and pay more to have things built here, and support your neighbors getting the same "high cost" lifestyle that you want, i.e. pension, medical, vacation. As for Whirlpool, let the Mexicans buy their products, Americans shouldn't. If Bosch, a German company, can make applicances at a profit in the USA, then GE and Whirlool should be able to also. BTW- No one has commented on the contradiction in Whirlpool's press release- "we are shutting down the Indiana plant due to excess capacity..." & "...we re relocating to Mexico for cheaper labor..."!
stop importing products we can make here  8/31/2009 8:41:00 AM 
Something does need to be done to keep jobs here. The surtax or tarriff idea doesn't sound bad to me. I work for a company that imports some components for our finished product because it is cheaper and we have to stay competitive. It's bull s**t, but when others are doing it... guess we have to also. Some sort of tax across the board might level the playing field and everybody could keep production here?
re: Reality Check  8/31/2009 9:32:00 AM 
There's a huge outcry here of "I won't buy Whirlpool". The truth is Americans will buy the best value for the money regardless of where it is made. Whirlpool is moving because they have to remain competitive with other manufacturers who build outside our borders. In spite of all the hot wind on this commentary, they will thrive at the end of the day. As for the surtax -- bad idea. When was the last time you knew that government intervention didn't muck things up?
Whirlpool  8/31/2009 10:08:00 AM 
No more Whirlpool products. Taking jobs out of the US is unforgiveable and government should modify the import tax so companies profit margin makes it not worthwhile to move manufacturing out of the U.S. 5-10 years from now I hope the Whirlpool name is no longer a U.S. household brand. Zenith televisions use to be in Evansville, Indiana. They moved their manufacturing plant to Mexico also. You can still buy a Zenith tv, but do you -- no longer a brand that is highly advertised nor a brand you can trust. Whirlpool executives are only looking at today vs. tomorrow and hope they are penalized for hurting one of America's communities that supported them for over approximately 50 years. Cheap labor equals poor quality. America please buy products made in U.S.A.
HELLO???  8/31/2009 12:00:00 PM 
How hard is it to understand? No one cares anymore! "I don't care if it's made in CHINA with child labor, lead, and no safety regulations! I don't care if American jobs are shipped overseas, it cost $1 less! I don't care if UNIONS fight to keep American jobs, they are SOOOOOOOO outdated! I don't even care if I keep buying foreign cars and products! Besides, my kids can always get a job at McD's........maybe? I want to know how this is going to be explained to the next generation. "Well, at the time, all we were concerned about was saving a little money....."
Was this a union shop  8/31/2009 12:35:00 PM 
Was this Whirlpool plant unionized?
Re: HELLO???  8/31/2009 12:59:00 PM 
I am glad to see someone gets it. People care about money not jobs; never have, never will. If American workers won't take less money for the same work, they will gotthe way of the Dodo.
Whirlpool  8/31/2009 1:00:00 PM 
They can now eliminate all benefits and still promise health care on the other side of the Rio Grande along with the many other 'illegals' we care for gratis. Shame on Whirlpool and all other short sighted manufacturers.
Whirlpool  8/31/2009 2:46:00 PM 
We do have term limits, it's called elections. If you dont like the canidate you can always write in Alfred E. Neuman. Both the federal and State government is too big get rid of 40% of the people making over 75 K per year they are probably incompetant. I could write more but I am so pissed I have to quit because I'll just ramblr.
Whirlpool  8/31/2009 3:03:00 PM 
Please remember who we are. We need to start coming together with solutions. We are the people of this great country. Please start working on solutions. Please read the article written by Mike Collins in IMPO Mag at www.impomag.com titled "Refloating The Boats". Let's join together to assist our country. This just might be our finest hour yet!!!
I’d love to change the world  8/31/2009 3:35:00 PM 
Shame on Whirlpool it's owners and share holders. Ross Perot was correct in the assessment of NAFTA, That big sucking sound you here, is the loss of our jobs (and freedoms). NAFTA and companies such as Whirlpool are turning the US into a welfare nation.
Border Patrol  8/31/2009 3:55:00 PM 
We need to protect our borders from illegals coming in and then we need to turn around and STOP are manufacturing from going out! If this continues and we all work in food service jobs we won't be able to afford the cheap imports. Wake Up America, We Are Falling Deeper In This Quick Sand With No Way Out
Whirlpool UNION  8/31/2009 11:45:00 PM 
One of you say unions take money oh forgot that ceo pay raises have been 500% while worker pay has only gone up 25% on average in the past 30 plus years. Oh and yeah they get those raises for cheap labor but consumer prices still go up???? hmmm Do a little more thinking for yourself. Find the truth.
Outsource Indiana Legislators to Mexico & China  9/1/2009 12:11:00 PM 
To save even MORE money, outsource the two Indiana Senators, all of the state representatives, the Governor,etc. It would also make sense to outsource the state prisons. Furthe, Department of Public safety could be contracted to a firm from Mexico or China. When the Senator's family is living in Mexico, an added benefit is for their children to learn Spanish and become leaders there when they grow up. Then they can "Improve" Mexico like their parents have done in the U.S. Signed: "Genius at Work"
Obviously no "surcharge" or "tax" is possible with NAFTA  9/1/2009 1:10:00 PM 
But we as consumers need to start talking with our wallets. No whirlpool for me for sure. Same with pseudo-American cars made in Mexico or Canada. Since when is a Ford Fusion different from a refrigerator? They're both made in Mexico. As long as you accept just "American design and development" we'll keep losing manufacturing jobs. Buy whatever is made here and boycott the rest. The Germans have been doing it for decades and they're a larger exporter than the US.
How can unions be the problem?  9/1/2009 4:03:00 PM 
I love when people blame the unions for all the problems in this country. A lot of these people are working class who believe a top CEO who would probably call the police on you if you happened to end up in their neighborhood. I'm sure you realize that the union workforce in the US makes up at the most 13%, one of the lowest in industrialized countries. Here's what it comes down to. We can pay workers in this country, union or non-union, a decent wage with benefits where they can make a living and provide for a family and make a nice profit, or we can move to a third world country and pay those people very little money with no benefits and make an unbelievable profit. Don't let them fool you!
outsourcing  9/1/2009 6:58:00 PM 
Why not outsource Senators or Governors in this Country? All they do is vote for their own agenda any way and we have debt in this country anyway. Maybe a $10.00 hr Government without insurance would do a better job what do you think? That would save me in tax dollars. If not then why put down Union Workers for wanting a living wage. 12-14 hr maybe, with health insurance....... I could buy a fridge if I had a job. But maybe a Mexican worker can afford it on their 2.00 hr wage.
whirlpool products made in mexico  9/2/2009 9:06:00 AM 
i will not not buy anything whirlpool makes not i want to keep jobs in america i tired of getting crap made in mexico and that is what get when it is made there.
Frigidaire already in Mexico  9/2/2009 12:06:00 PM 
When I bought my house two years ago (bad timing) the new Frigidaire refrigerator that was delivered also had the "Heche en Mexico" sticker on it. So it's not just Whirlpool. I think this has been going on quietly for years. The previous administration sold us out and the new one is even worse. The only ones that can save us our ourselves and I applaud the communication here.
Goodbye Whirlpool  9/2/2009 1:19:00 PM 
I guess everyone is going to have to move to another country to work??? Everything keeps gettting shipped out of the US and no work here. Where is our government- what are they letting these people due to us??? I won't be buying a whirlpool... This just means more people on welfare- no work- no money- then the state won't have any money.
Think Positive  9/3/2009 12:14:00 PM 
Evansville should be congratulated for having Whirlpool Corporation active for over 50-years in the community. Although the Whirlpool departure is sad, nothing can take away the fact that this area was a true juggernaut of manufacturing excellence for many years.
NAFTA Impact AGAIN....  9/3/2009 5:02:00 PM 
The purpose of NAFTA as well as CAFTA (Central America) is to give our jobs in the U.S. and Canada to younger cheaper workers south of the border. This in turn creates an entirely new group of consumers to purchase products including Whirlpool appliances. Because the U.S. employers want to reduce their cost and increase their market so badly, I no longer need to feel any loyalty to them. I will now ask for proof of American made products before buying. It's worth an extra few dollars to keep us employed. Let's ROLL !!
MI HOMES - NOT AMERICA ENOUGH  9/3/2009 9:08:00 PM 
Do What!  9/5/2009 2:04:00 PM 
In these bad times, an American icon turns it's back on it's people. The same people who kept your business alive! Wow! Do us a favor and take all the illegals with you as well. Maybe that will help balance the jobs you cut!
Whirlpool  9/7/2009 1:36:00 AM 
I'm sure when they announced the layoffs and moving to Mexico their stock jumped up in price. This is great for their bottom line but it is short sighted for America. Many corporations are doing the same thing they have no loyalty to America, as this continues the living standard in America will fall, maybe the corporation will move to another country too. When they move to another country maybe the corporation will replaced the managers who moved the jobs from America. This would complete the cycle.
Whirlpool move to Mexico  9/11/2009 12:58:00 PM 
Whirlpool,count my business gone! I guess over $19,000,000 in profits just isn't enough when compared to Walmart, oil, banking etc. Guess what Whirlpool, you make one product and you will never compete in those sectors listed above; especially now that you are putting Americans out of work. Why don't you sell you product in Mexico and see how your profits do then.
Shame on Whirlpool for crossing the boarder  9/14/2009 9:03:00 PM 
As far as I see it, Whirlpool needs to send its headquarters along with all of their CEO's straight across the boarder to live with the Mexican nationals and make the great Mexican wage. The take-out cost of an appliance should be dramatically lower since the company won't be paying these CEO's millions of dollars to ship these jobs across the boarder. If these companies don't want to pay the American wage, so be it--then don't sell to America. We don't want or need you. Get out, stay out and don't come back. The land of opportunity has been sold out by dirty politics, corporate greed and third world wages. Again, shame on you all!!
Dont cast blame before you know what you know the whole story.  10/4/2009 7:48:00 PM 
Whirlpool builds over 80% of all the product that they sell in the United States. If you want to buy American built product you almost have to buy one of Whirlpools brands. If anyone did their research they would also realize that Whirlpool is adding hundreds of new manufacturing jobs in the U.S. in 2010 just not in top freezer refrigerators. But nobody reports that, only the negative gets everyone's attention. Congratulations to all of you who will no longer buy Whirlpool appliances because if you will only buy appliances that are built in the U.S. you just took away almost all your options. If you dont buy Whirlpool it will ultimately help put this major US manufacturer out of business and take away around 20,000 US jobs.
Whirlpool Appliances not reliable   2/13/2010 3:05:00 PM 
When we purchased our new house in 2006, we picked Whirlpool appliances. In the 3.5 years of use, we have replaced our washer (with Samsung) paid $230.00 to have the range reapired so we could use the oven again, and my dishwasher burned-up with a repair cost of $285.00. Now my refer is making loud noises when the compressor kicks-in, so I'm sure that will be in need of repair soon. Not to long ago, I lived in a house built in 1972 with the original kitchen appliances still in use and functional, and these were also Whirlpool brand. So I ask, what in the bloody H**L happened? Has Whirlpool engineered their appliances to self destruct after a few years in order to clean up in the parts supply buisness? The reliability of Whirlpool products? THEY SUCK! We are replacing every appliance in the house with SAMSUNG! I hate like heck to send my money to south Korea, but they seem to still have reliability as #1 PRIORITY. So KMA WHIRLPOOL!!!!!!!!!
Whirlpool Appliance Corp.  2/19/2010 10:40:00 PM 
I will never buy another Whirlpool refrigerator. Whirlpool is closing their refrigerator plant in Evansville, Ind., putting more than 1,100 Americans out of work and is moving to MEXICO! Whirlpool took $19 million dollars in economic recovery money it recently received from our Federal government as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and is running to Mexico with it! Those are OUR economic recovery funds, NOT Mexico’s! BUY MADE IN USA for America's future and for quality products. Mexico has weaker labor and environmental laws. SHAME ON WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCE CORP.
whirlpool products  2/26/2010 1:27:00 PM 
have had this happened to me. we as a nation, not as a political party , should ban countries who move over seas from importing their crap back here. there will be some one else who will start up a refrigerator factory and WANT to do business here in the good old USA. there will always be someone who will fill the spot. and lets give them some real incentives to do so. that i don't mind my tax money going for.
They just dont care,   3/1/2010 5:23:00 PM 
When all the money is gone. They too will be broke.









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