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Baby dies from bites by family dog in NW HarrisA Rottweiler of at least 150 pounds — one of nine dogs at a northwest Harris County home — forced open a back door Sunday afternoon and mangled to death a 3-month-old girl snuggled up in a baby swing.
The baby’s mother, 41-year-old Alva Vaughn, thought she had secured the back door at the home in the 5900 block of Caruso Forest by sliding a washing machine and slab of marble behind it before she went into the bathroom to bathe the biter’s father, an estimated 200-pound Rottweiler, said Harris County Sheriff’s homicide sergeant Felipe Rivera.
The woman, whose husband was at work, had left her daughter, Janet, in the swing and was in the bathroom around 4 p.m. when she heard another dog barking in the house.
Vaughn went into the living room and didn’t see a dog but found her only child on the floor, lifeless and bloodied. The infant’s hands were mangled and her head was crushed, Rivera said.
She was taken to an area hospital, where she died shortly thereafter.
"It’s a horrible, horrible deal," Rivera said. "This woman loved the child. She didn’t purposely endanger the child. But a child is dead. Parents have to put the child first, animals later. You have to maintain the child’s safety."
The family’s other seven dogs were in the backyard when the baby was attacked. All the animals — four Rottweilers and five mixed breeds — live outdoors, the mother told police.
Animal control removed all the animals. The family will decide whether the biter will be euthanized, said Rivera, adding the scene was rather chaotic with so many dogs running about in the back yard.
After the mother found her baby, she immediately called authorities. Responders arrived to find a hysterical mother outside, holding her baby in her arms.
The baby was transported to an area hospital via ambulance, and deputies and mother caravanned in a patrol car.
"She was in shock. She vomited in the car," Rivera said.
Authorities have referred the case to a grand jury.