Camera Obscura - James

作者:marnifan  于 2010-4-30 00:27 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



James, he came to my place
He said he had to see my face
He hopes that we can still be friends
In his own way, he'll love me til the end

And, James, he came to the door
Wanting to know for sure
Why love gets up and goes
I'm sorry, but it had no place to grow
Oh, James. My love for you is stronger, don't you know?

I'd like to celebrate you, dear
All in all, it's been a pretty good year
I looked deep within myself
I got scared by just how hard I fell
Oh, James. You broke me, I thought I knew you well.

Oh, you had me
Honey and me, oh, sun and the moon
I'll be fine by June
I could tell that you weren't well
Oh, James. You broke me, I thought I knew you well

Oh, can't you see you belong with me?
I could tell that you weren't well
Oh, James. You broke me, I thought I knew you well

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