
作者:sj5820  于 2010-7-25 23:20 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




真把我给气坏了。作为中国人,很难不往他们“歧视”的方面想。但是,这种话非到不得以的时候是不能说的。而且抗议也得有风度。免得给人落为把柄。我真的已经是气牙痒痒的想揍人了。但是我知道这在美国是行不通的。下面就是我在google写的评论。评的是: Lake Barkley State Park Resort.  在 Cadiz, KY.

I reserved the room on the internet. I believe it is the same price as the main house by the lake. However when I get there they said I will have to stay in the little river lodge. I asked: "How did I get so lucky?" She said: "You reserved on the internet." I didn't want to make a fuss. But obviously, they discriminate you if you reserve the room on the internet, despite the fact that you are paying the same price. Oh, and she did indicate that this lodge has not been remodeled like the main lodge. OK, I am not here for the decoration, so I'll settle. After I get to the Little River Lodge, it is a little run down place, the bathroom is a bit hard to take, but hey I'm only staying for one night, and my daughter and I want to ride the horse. Then my daughter opened the computer and found out there's no internet connection. Now that will be hard. After riding the horse, and going to beach for a swim, I want to relax in the room to surf on the internet. Without that it will be difficult to get through the long dark night. I phoned the front desk and asked about the internet. The front desk person is as cold as a fish, she simply said the signal is weak and that we can come to the main lobby for the internet. The main lobby is about 0.1 mile away, and I am not going to the main lobby for my long dark night. I demanded nicely to cancel the room and get my refund. She is still as cold as a fish, she paused and accepted my request nonetheless. After I checked out and I decided to go to the stable for a horse ride, and then go to the public beach for a swim and then go back to the city. I drove to the stable only to find out there will be no horse back riding until 3pm. No one was around to take reservation. Then I drove to the beach only to find out the public beach is closed for 7-24th. For what reason, no one knows. These are the main attractions for people to come to the state park, but they don't tell you that all of these are closed. At this point I cannot help but suspect that there is a conspiracy. When I checked in, one worker was standing in the entrance way trying to save a parking space for a limo Hummer. Then we saw the Hummer a black and gold "long" Hummer. Must carry a lot of dignitaries. The supposedly horse back riding schedule is every hour on the hour that was suspended until 3pm, probably for the dignitaries. The public beach that is closed for no good reason on 7-24 probably is for the dignitaries as well. We the common people might as well forget about it all, the most of all they don't feel the need to let us know ahead of the time.
Boy, and I thought America is a democratic country.
And oh, by the way, the phone number for the stable they gave us was a wrong # as well.









发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 四合院的闲人 2010-7-29 22:43
1 回复 sj5820 2010-7-30 08:48
四合院的闲人: 你知道,这里许多人看中文很快,英文就费劲啦,呵呵
1 回复 四合院的闲人 2010-7-30 09:30
sj5820: 不见得吧。很多人英文挺棒的。我就只是为个倒霉的日子存档而已。没人看也没关系的。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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