
作者:HappyUSANA  于 2011-10-14 06:30 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


国际特赦组织致信司法部长 要求加拿大拘捕到访的小布什
  国际特赦组织(Amnesty International)说﹐前美国总统布殊下周访问卑诗省﹐联邦政府应该拘捕他。该组织称﹐在加拿大法律和国际法下﹐渥京政府有义务拘留布殊﹐调查他的战争罪行﹑凌虐嫌疑恐怖分子等事。

  国际特赦组织加拿大分部秘书长尼夫(Alex Neve)说﹕「前总统布殊下周四抵达加拿大﹐加拿大官员必须调查﹑拘捕和控告他凌虐他人。」布殊和前美国总统克林顿下周到卑诗省素里﹐出席经济研讨会。 他指出﹐布殊在其回忆录也承认下令拷问嫌疑恐怖分子。 尼夫又说﹐国际特赦组织写了一封长信给加拿大司法部长倪可森(Rob Nicholson)﹐列举渥京政府的国际法义务﹐敦促他採取行动。

OTTAWA - Amnesty International wants the federal government to arrest former U.S. president George W. Bush when he visits British Columbia next week.

The rights body said both Canadian and international law require Canada to detain Bush and investigate him for war crimes and torture.

"It is incumbent upon Canadian officials to investigate, arrest and prosecute former president Bush for torture when he arrives in Canada a week tomorrow," said Alex Neve, Amnesty Canada's secretary general.

Bush and former president Bill Clinton are scheduled to attend an economic conference in Surrey, B.C. next week.

Neve said many will argue that arresting Bush is unrealistic because the United States is a close and powerful ally or that the crisis after 9-11 required extraordinary measures.

"None of those arguments justify inaction under international law," he said.

Neve conceded that arresting a former president would likely cause tension with the United States, but "taking a principled step merits that sort of strain."

Neve said Bush admitted in his memoirs that he authorized the use of torture against terror suspects.

American authorities used a variety of torture methods, including water boarding, beatings and sleep deprivation, Neve said. The Bush administration used euphemisms such as "enhanced interrogation techniques," but these methods constituted torture.

"All of this was authorized and condoned and put in place through his own repeated decisions."

Neve said the international arm of Amnesty sent a lengthy brief to Justice Minister Rob Nicholson outlining the government's responsibilities under international law and urging him to act.

"This is something the entire global movement stands behind," Neve said.

Nicholson's office did not respond to a call for comment on Amnesty's demand.









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1 回复 天朝浮云 2011-10-14 07:23
0 回复 丑女多做怪 2011-10-14 09:07
天朝浮云: 小布什竟然想坦白从宽?我党的政策是坦白从严,抗拒更严。
坦白从宽 监狱搬砖 ,抗拒从严 回家过年  哈哈哈
1 回复 嘻哈:) 2011-10-14 11:02
0 回复 天朝浮云 2011-10-14 11:21
丑女多做怪: 坦白从宽 监狱搬砖 ,抗拒从严 回家过年  哈哈哈
1 回复 平凡往事 2011-10-14 22:27
敢吗?谁敢动美国? 除非恐怖份子
0 回复 HappyUSANA 2011-10-15 00:21
平凡往事: 敢吗?谁敢动美国? 除非恐怖份子
2 回复 平凡往事 2011-10-15 01:32
HappyUSANA: 加拿大政府一定不敢,但是民众可能要反,前几天切尼来温哥华推销他的大作(我在COSTO翻了一下他的厚书),就有人抗议
1 回复 weihua99 2011-10-15 02:48

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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