Great! Footie strip in Euros

作者:ryu  于 2013-6-11 12:18 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


 Girls battle for the ball during the first women's naked soccer European Championship at 'Palais am Funkturm' on June 7, 2013
Naked talent ... nude footballers in Berlin this weekend
There were more curves than a Beckham free-kick and more boobs than England's U-21 flops as teams from across the Continent gathered and got their kit off at the tournament in Germany.

There were no British representatives at the contest as teams from Italy, France, Sweden and Germany tussled in the buff on the astroturf at Berlin's Palais am Funkturm.

Topless blondes tussle for the ball
Booby Moore ... topless blonde battles for the ball

A giel moons the camera
Bot shots ... player moons the camera

As far as tactics go, most sides unsurprisingly opted to play with two up front - although there did seem to be more than the usual number of strikers.

A blonde plays mind-games with an opponent
Eyeful ... blonde plays mind-games with opponent

And there were plenty of handbags, as these stills from crunch games show.

A player scores a goal
Killer finish ... player strikes

A group of players surround the ball
Ball control ... player turns under pressure

Some sides opted to keep their, erm, shorts on while kit for others consisted only of socks in team colours.

Naked footballers
Is that Buff-on in goal ... keeper prepares to kick

A player blocks a shot
Fox in the box ... player closes in on goal

Even the male ref stripped for the occasion, part of an erotic expo.

A defender clers the ball upfield
Breast player ... defender clears the ball

A pink-haired lady runs with the ball
Chest sublime ... pink-haired striker breaks clear on goal

Naked footballers
Big up front ... tall target woman controls the ball









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发表评论 评论 (5 个评论)

3 回复 trunkzhao 2013-6-11 19:45
3 回复 黄笑吾 2013-6-12 05:40
2 回复 ryu 2013-6-12 10:51
trunkzhao: 我要是在场一定会说:好球!
米2 ...!
2 回复 ryu 2013-6-12 10:51
2 回复 黄笑吾 2013-6-12 10:53
ryu: 好球?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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