
作者:kukubara  于 2012-3-26 14:09 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村





Bo intrigue deepens over death of Briton
John GarnautMarch 26, 2012 - 8:58AM
Seeing red ... Bo Xilai, sacked from hhis job.

Bo Xilai, sacked from his job. Photo: Reuters

The death of a British citizen in Chongqing has added new intrigue to the downfall of the city’s ambitious Communist Party boss, Bo Xilai, which has rocked China’s political landscape.

Little is known about Neil Heywood, who died suddenly in the Yangtze River megalopolis in November last year, other than Chinese blog posts and other sources that claim he had provided assistance to Mr Bo’s family.

But London has now asked Beijing to investigate “suspicions and rumours surrounding the death”, a UK Foreign Office spokesman told Fairfax overnight.

Bo Xilai was the most captivating and divisive figure in elite Chinese politics even before his police chief and right-hand man, Wang Lijun, fled apparently for his life to the US Consulate in Chengdu city on February 6.

Mr Wang was a famously tough and merciless cop who helped Mr Bo smash the city’s mafia, placing him in the running for a top leadership position later this year.

But Mr Wang’s relationship with Mr Bo broke down in January after the police chief confronted his boss over a criminal investigation touching on his family, including Mr Bo's wife Gu Kailai, Reuters has previously reported.

It remains unclear what Mr Wang told US diplomats during the day he spent with them, or what he has been telling the Party discipline or State Security officials questioning him in Beijing, or whether there is evidence to back his claims.

But UK officials say new information received “earlier this year” – before Chinese blog posts that appeared and were deleted over the weekend - has prompted them to request further investigation.

“We are aware that Neil Heywood died in Chongqing in November and the coroner’s reasons for death was over-consumption of alcohol,” a spokesman for the British Foreign Office told Fairfax overnight.

“At the time we had no reason to question the authorities findings,” he said.

“We are aware of suspicions and rumours surrounding the death. After we were made aware of these suspicions we passed them on to the Chinese authorities asked them to investigate further.”

He said the UK Government was providing consular assistance to Mr Heywood’s family in China and the UK.

The Chinese blog posts and other sources say Mr Heywood’s body was hurriedly cremated after his death.

Mr Bo has so far retained his Politburo position but was recently sacked from his Chongqing position after giving a defiant press conference during the annual National People’s Congress.

He ended his performance with a rousing defence of himself and his wife, who he said had closed her successful legal practice 20 years earlier to avoid conflicts of interest.

“I was mentally prepared that attacking organised crime and expunging evil would affect some people’s interests, and there would be different views,” he said, according to Reuters.

“As well, these people who form criminal cliques have already formed wide social ties, and they have power over opinion.

“As well, for example, there are many people who have poured filth on Chongqing, including pouring filth on me and my family, even talking about my son studying abroad and driving a red Ferrari . Utter nonsense...

“Some people have asked about how the tuition fees for my son to study at famous schools, Oxford and Harvard, was paid. It all came from full scholarships.”









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