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breath-taking. The words in this book are not fancy, but candid, convincible and colorful, it is the true life of Lorreta Lynn that wins the heart of millions people.
How poor is being poor? What is the struggle to escape from being
poor? How Lorreta Lynn became a country music diva from a coal miner's daughter? From this book, we share the life of Lorreta Lynn with our own, we see the souls and dreams as well as day to day lives of many ordinary people, especially the humanbeing under poverty.
Lorreta Lynn was born into a very poor coal miner's family in a remote Kentucky hillside. Her father had little money to feed Lorreta and her family, one Christmas, her Daddy had only thirty-six cents (!) for Lorreta and her three brothers. The work was very hard for her Daddy, he had to crawl on his hands and knees to work inside the ream of coal, of only three feet high. Until seven years old, Lorreta always wore flour sack her mummy sewed as dress. However, with her unyielding spirit and unceasingly struggling, Lorreta went on and up, became the queen of country music and a millionaire.
I didn't know the name of Lorreta Lynn until I watched the movie"coal miner's daughter", this movie led me to this book. The movie is fantastic, but this book let you know more and think more.
Either you like county music or not, either you are poor or rich,
this book is absolutely good, inspiring, touching and unforgetable. Was this review helpful