An idea for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

作者:goofegg  于 2023-10-15 19:28 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Previously, I wrote an idea for resolving world disputes: the NATO Group's sheepfold theory and the idea of world peace

With the support of the United States and the indulgence of the international community, Israel has been continuously encroaching on the land of Palestine and surrounding countries, continuously compressing the living space of Palestinians, and causing profound humanitarian disasters for Palestinians. Apart from the division of land between Palestine and Israel, wouldn't it be better if Israel did not drive out the Palestinians and directly accept the people above as Israeli nationals? Just because Israel holds the Bible and claims that this land belongs to them, the Palestinians who have been living on this land should make room for them to become wandering and homeless like Israelis?

Two options:

  1. The division of land between Palestine and Israel requires fair and reasonable distribution. One party provides a plan for distributing land, while the other party chooses first, just like two people sharing a cake, in order to reflect fairness and avoid disputes;
  2. Land is not divided, and on this land, Israelis and Palestinians establish a Palestinian Israeli Republic, or an Israeli Palestinian Republic. Isn't Western democracy a good example of governance? The Israelis already have good experience in governing the country. Isn't it true that many Palestinians now have Israeli citizenship? Wouldn't it be good if the people in Gaza also joined Israeli citizenship?

The collapse of the Berlin Wall was a great joy for the Germans in the past. Now, by demolishing the Gaza fence, we can completely solve the problem of Gaza concentration camps and the humanitarian disaster inside, and Israel can rightfully occupy all Palestinian land and accept the people inside. Isn't that great?

If it is really impossible for two ethnic groups to merge into one country, choosing the first land division plan, with one party giving the distribution plan and the other giving priority, can also solve the problem...

If Israel insists on annexing all the land and not accepting the people inside, leaving all the refugees to the neighboring Arab countries to solve, and the hatred of the Palestinian resistance igniting the flames of war in the neighboring countries, Israel takes the opportunity to encroach on and annex the land of the neighboring Arab countries. If it persists in doing so, The final result must be an endless cycle of Israel once again wandering around, or triggering a world war, with no future for humanity.

The conscious idea of world peace above, when I came up with it, felt like a very bright idea. However, I tried my best to paste it around, but no one responded or shared it. The idea of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that I came up with was probably not the first one I thought of, was it? I think this method has been implemented, and it must be a great pleasure to "face the sea and drive away tigers and wolves". The most uncomfortable thing is probably the United States, but he has done so many bad things, making him uncomfortable again will also be a great pleasure!

Translated from:弱弱的给巴以纷争出个主意









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